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How will AI impact the future of data centers?

¿Cómo impactará la IA al futuro de los centros de datos?

International. Axis Communications has pointed out that the digital infrastructure and data center sector is poised for exponential growth due to the demand for electronic services, which is expected to double in the next decade.

Much of that infrastructure powers the day-to-day services the world relies on, and much of the demand growth comes from the next generation of service delivery: the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Artificial intelligence has changed significantly in recent years. The most significant advances have been seen as a conventional tool, whether for text, image and even video generation. However, there is another type of AI, predictive AI, designed to analyze the data captured from sound, images and video, and draw conclusions from it.

Combining video and AI data
AI is not only a driver of growth, but also an enabler of it. As data centers expand in size and complexity, AI will play a critical role in simplifying local and remote facility management. As energy consumption increases (generative AI alone is expected to require an additional 38 GW by 2028), AI will help find new efficiencies.

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Existing technology and new opportunities
If a camera can see something, the AI can act accordingly. Through deep learning, it is possible to develop custom reactive applications that offer new solutions to old problems, or detect new problems before it is too late to act on them. Properly trained AI models allow such analytic applications to run directly at the edge of the network and within the camera hardware they trust.

Creative possibilities for innovation
The creative potential of AI means that analytics applications can be tailored to the unique needs of the data center environment. For example, object detection can be adjusted to look for prohibited items such as water bottles. The cameras can be configured to detect visual signals or through their microphones, acoustic signals of failure or server degradation. Tests can be trained to look for environmental hazards, such as leaks, and ensure that maintenance and upkeep are adequate to extend the life of the equipment.

The Future of Data Centers
Data centers are the cornerstone of tomorrow's technology, but the rapid expansion of digital infrastructure won't be easy. Operators need all the benefits they can get, whether it's saving money, saving energy, or simply keeping the facility as clean, efficient, and safe as possible. AI analytics offer all of these and other advantages, all as a hardware extension that would be necessary for the security function, regardless of whether or not analytics were used.

As the world gets smarter, so does digital infrastructure. Planning further upgrades to take full advantage of the benefits of AI is the path to a smarter, safer world for both operators and their customers and, crucially, their data.

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