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Eagle Eye Networks and Brivo, protagonists of one of the largest investments in physical cloud security

Eagle Eye Networks y Brivo

International. Eagle Eye Networks and Brivo announced one of the largest investments to date in physical cloud security; One of the largest security integration companies in the world, according to Forbes Global 2000, has made a principal capital investment of $192 million in the two companies, $100 million in Eagle Eye Networks and $92 million in Brivo. The company is the Japanese: Secom Ltda.

Eagle Eye Networks and Brivo are independent companies majority-owned by Dean Drako, who founded Eagle Eye Networks in 2012 and serves as CEO; and acquired a majority stake in Brivo in 2015 and is chairman.

"Secom's investment underscores that cloud and AI are the future of physical security," Drako said. "Both Eagle Eye and Brivo will use a significant portion of the investment to further develop AI that dramatically improves the security of enterprises and businesses globally. The Eagle Eye and Brivo open platforms provide customers with choice, efficiencies and innovation, all of which will accelerate this investment."

Sadahiro Sato, CEO of Secom (left) and Dean Drako, CEO of Eagle Eye Networks and President of Brivo.

- Publicidad -

As independent open platform companies, Eagle Eye Networks and Brivo integrate with many third-party technology providers, including leading property management and proptech platforms.

Eagle Eye Networks will use the investment for the continued development of its AI-based analytics capabilities, such as Eagle Eye Smart Video Search, Smart Alarms and Vehicle Intelligence, and to expand its operations worldwide.

Brivo will use the investment to increase sales and marketing, accelerate product development and scale operational and support functions, and evaluate strategic acquisitions. Brivo will also use the additional investment to continue its expansion in Europe, Latin America and Asia Pacific, and enhance smart spaces and AI functionality on the Brivo Access Platform for its enterprise, multifamily and commercial real estate clients.

"Secom has a proud history of innovation dating back to Japan's first online security system for commercial use in 1966," said Sadahiro Sato, CEO of Secom. "Our investment in Eagle Eye Networks and Brivo is an investment in the mission our three companies share: to provide the best possible technology to keep businesses and communities safe."

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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