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IP surveillance project with PoE switches

switches PoE

A major Chemical Specialist Alamana company renewed its PoE system for the deployment of a new IP camera system.

by NVT Phybridge

Problem: German company BASF, a world leader in the manufacture of petrochemicals with multiple European centers, needed to upgrade its outdated analogUE CCTV system in one of its huge German centers, which houses more than 2,000 buildings and 200 production centers.

The client wanted to deploy a TecTradeSolution IP surveillance solution to improve site monitoring and gain the ability to detect process anomalies across its production facilities and warehouses.

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The company wanted to upgrade to IP surveillance but was facing infrastructure issues, as the old analog solution ran on J-Y(ST)Y cabling. BASF needed a solution that could leverage its existing cabling to align with the organization's sustainability initiatives. A PoE switch was used, which caused significant crosstalk problems. It had to be replaced by a more robust network solution.

The integrator partner, TecTradeSolution, was aware of the NVT Phybridge long-range PoE switches and proposed the use of FLEX8 PoE switches and FLEX adapters for IP upgrade. NVT Phybridge Power over Ethernet's FLEX8 switch provides Ethernet and PoE++ over any new or existing multi-pair UTP infrastructure with a range of up to 610 m. BASF agreed to participate in a no-obligation proof of concept to test the technology in its environment.

After a few simple configuration steps, NVT Phybridge's FLEX8 long-range PoE switch transformed the customer's existing cabling infrastructure into a robust and secure network for the new IP surveillance system, while eliminating crosstalk issues.

BASF used NVT Phybridge's FLEX8 PoE switch to enable the new TecTradeSolution high-resolution IP surveillance cameras for a seamless and highly secure deployment. The solution's long-range capabilities eliminated the need for additional IDF cabinets and solved the crosstalk issues the customer initially faced when attempting to use an alternative solution.

"Deployment with NVT Phybridge's NVT FLEX8 switch was extremely easy, even over our longest distances," BASF said. "There was no need for special training for on-site assemblers and the product was literally a plug and play solution.

TecTradeSolution was able to help the client save time and money while providing an innovative solution to solve the client's unique problems. The customer now enjoys the advantages of IP surveillance cameras, including improved monitoring, image quality and the ability to detect anomalies in processes.

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BASF was very pleased with the results of the IP upgrade, as it used NVT Phybridge's FLEX8 switch to:
• Eliminate crosstalk problems caused by a competing network solution.
• Use your existing network infrastructure to minimize operational disruptions at the busiest facilities.
• Reduce infrastructure costs while significantly reducing project implementation time.
• Create a highly secure and physically separate network for the new IP surveillance system.
• Achieve its sustainability goals by minimizing electronic waste from wiring.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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