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Infosecurity 2019 will present state-of-the-art technologies in Mexico

Mexico. Infosecurity Mexico 2019, an event that will present the latest knowledge, trends and solutions to protect computer data, announced its next edition that will take place on May 22 and 23 at Centro Citibanamex, Mexico City.

Meetings of this nature, according to Philippe Surman, Country Manager of Reed Exhibitions Mexico, organizing firm of Infosecurity Mexico, are necessary due to the increase in computer threats. "For example, we have that according to the Condusef[1], in 2018 our country registered losses of approximately 10 billion pesos and around four million people were affected by cyber attacks. In fact, our country is currently in the third international position in terms of cyberattacks received."

Since its first edition, Infosecurity Mexico has been consolidating itself as a reference forum; on this occasion, specialists such as Juan Carlos Del Castillo Vázquez, an expert in cryptocurrencies and telecommunications, will present the details of technologies such as blockchain, which has been designed to generate security and trust among users. "It has even been mentioned that it will revolutionize transactions due to the immutability of the information it records, so that no one can alter the chain of data, so it is expected to be a global watershed in cybersecurity," Surman explained.

On global security, Marc Goodman, who has worked with Interpol, the U.S. Government, NATO and the UN, will be present to talk about the power and benefits that technology offers to humanity, as well as the consequences of the right information in the wrong hands, not only for companies, but for the world's population. Goodman has been a New York Times Best Seller winner for his book "Future Crimes," and founder of the Future Crimes Institute.

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"We also have confirmed Eddie Doyle, an expert in identifying emerging risks and threats who has worked with corporations in Europe, Canada and the United States, focusing on product innovation designed for leading security companies; Randy Sabett, lawyer and advisor on cybersecurity, IT licensing and information protection strategy development, named in 2013 as the Information Security Professional of the Year by the Information Systems Security Association (ISSA); and Adrián Acosta, Digital Crimes Officer, who has coordinated numerous international operations against cybercrime and currently works in Interpol's regional office for South America," Surman added.

For this 2019, the organizing committee will present a cycle of workshops and conferences in three different spaces: Smart Defense Arena, practical sessions to learn about protection methods; the Technology Lab, talks on the latest trends and innovations in security, and in which speakers will provide information in order to contribute to the generation of a culture in security systems; and the Infosecurity Coffee, in which global success stories presented by different experts will be announced, where you will have the opportunity to generate business relationships to develop new businesses.

"In addition, we have confirmed the presentation of experts such as Arturo García Hernández (Information Security Management of the Bank of Mexico); Pablo Corona Fraga (Deputy General Director of NYCE Sociedad Internacional de Gestión y Evaluación S.C., and Vice President of Security at the Internet Association MX); and Jesús Consuelos García (vice president of the International Association for the Investigation of Financial Crimes)", who will be part of the platform of influencers who will help promote the event and disseminate information of interest to the cybersecurity industry.

Finally, the organizing committee announced that it has made alliances with specialized organizations such as ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association), a global non-profit company that it supports by offering its sponsorship to the development and execution of IT research projects; INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization); IAFCI (International Financial Crimes Investigation Association); and the AMECI (Mexican Association of Cybersecurity), who will contribute with the presentation of recommendations and best practices, as well as advances in detection and protection against computer threats.

"Every year Infosecurity gets stronger, and therefore, we are very excited about the large number of participants we will have; we are certain that this year will cement a strong awareness of the use of technology and, both visitors and exhibitors, will generate business relationships under the understanding that they will know the appropriate tools to protect their information. We are ready to welcome you all," Surman concluded.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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