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Pelco presents new product perspectives at Intersec

International. Pelco participated in the Intersec fair in Dubai, presenting some of the products that will be launched on the market soon, focusing on new technologies such as the increase in the resolution of cameras, cloud services and analytics that are shaping up for the future.

Pelco also showed off major updates to its VideoXpert video management system (VMS) platform, the GFC Professional 4K camera, along with other new products such as the award-winning Esprit Enhanced camera, with white light or IR lighting options.

Recognizing that Pelco cameras and VMS are deployed in a wide range of vertical market applications and trusted by many of the world's most demanding customers, Pelco presented multiple examples of vertical markets, such as hospitality, commerce, education, correctional, oil and gas, city, traffic and airports demonstrating how its products, Services and solutions incorporate cybersecurity, higher resolution, compression, cloud services, and analytics into your portfolio of VideoXpert VMS, cameras, and professional services to deliver compelling and operationally successful deployments.

It should be noted that Pelco Professional Services recently launched on the market, provide a high level of support for both integrators and end users. By leveraging these services, customers and channel partners can gain access to a team of trained and certified professionals to assist with network and system design. They can also help customers with configuration, auditing, and troubleshooting on site.

- Publicidad -

In addition to the new GFC Professional 4k camera, nearly twenty Pelco products, solutions and services were showcased during Intersec 2019. These include the Pelco Camera Link, Exsite Enhanced cameras (explosion proof), Optera cameras (uninterrupted panoramic view), enhanced Esprit cameras (high-resolution PTZ) and IBD (corner mount) cameras.

Additionally, Pelco's Director of Market Segments, Stuart Rawling participated in an interesting panel discussion, which focused on the seamless integration of innovative security systems with traditional infrastructure, followed by a presentation on how to organize data chaos and evaluate the various ways in which connected devices impact today's world.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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