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Dahua introduces security solutions for retail stores in Mexico

Dahua introduce en México soluciones de seguridad para tiendas minoristas

Mexico. The manufacturer Dahua Technology developed a smart store assistant focused on security, which is already available in the Mexican market.

The company has noted that when talking about retail stores, the biggest challenge is often thought of as merchandise theft. However, there are other equally important problems, such as violence directed at employees and damage to property or facilities, which can have a significant impact on the profitability of the business.

According to ALTO, a company specializing in security, the increase in violence not only affects store employees, but also the community, as it decreases the sense of security when shopping.

In addition to these issues, these types of companies, as well as most SMEs, face challenges in terms of identifying affordable, easy-to-install security technology solutions that adapt to their specific needs, such as 360° night vision surveillance and wireless connectivity.

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The latter is a very important feature considering that it avoids expenses derived from modifications to the interior of the store.

With the continuous advancement of technology and changes in demand from these types of businesses, Dahua Technology, a global provider of video-centric AIoT solutions and services, introduced its new Hero and Picoo Series cameras, wireless cameras that are easy to install and operate.

Hero Series
The new Hero Series (House & Enterprise Remote Observer) offers smart features such as 360° vision, automatic target tracking, one-click privacy mode and two-way communication. Its features make it an ideal solution for retail stores.

  • HD resolution and advanced night vision provide crystal clear recordings 24 hours a day.
  • Built-in IR allows the security camera to record high-quality images in total darkness.
  • 360° view controlled via the DMSS app, which allows the camera head to rotate and tilt, ensuring excellent visibility in all corners of the store.
  • Always-alert person detection to detect real-time human movement within a specific area. The system sends notifications to the designated phone if it detects any activity.
  • Human target tracking to know the trajectory of movements and stay well informed of activities.
  • Masking function via DMSS app to protect people's privacy.
  • Remote communication that allows you to speak through the device's built-in speaker and microphone.
  • Storage in three options, via SD card, NVR and cloud.
  • Easy installation, requires no professional wiring, and can be placed anywhere and moved as needed, can be placed on a desk or mounted on the ceiling.
  • The DMSS application allows you to access remote functions such as real-time review, alarm warning, video playback, remote control and device sharing.
  • The smart features of the Hero Series ensure the security and convenience of surveillance and provide users with more personalized services to meet their actual needs in the retail market.

Picoo Series
Another type of cameras that offer quality protection are the Picco cameras (PT in Camera for Outdoor Observation), these devices have complete protection against any weather, they work perfectly regardless of rain, wind or sun; In addition, they are designed with multiple night vision modes to suit any need.

Like the Hero, Picco cameras feature 360° monitoring with no blind spots, provide alarms that are automatically and instantly triggered against intruders, and like all Dahua products, are made with products that make it reliable and durable.

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"The wireless camera's smart feature ensures the safety and convenience of surveillance and provides users with more personalized services to meet their diverse and real-world needs," said Abril Lanzagorta, Marketing Manager at Dahua Technology Mexico.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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