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Police force optimises its key management and improves its operability

Cuerpo de policía optimiza su gestión de llaves y mejora su operatividad

InternationalTraka's technological solutions have had a positive impact on the operation of an American police department, thanks to the electronic management of its access keys.

The Wylie, Texas, Police Department has a task force comprised of 67 officers and 21 patrol units. Aware of the importance of using new technologies to make the most of limited resources, the department chose Traka to help them efficiently and effectively manage their key inventory.

Unlabeled keys, a lack of an accountability system, and no auditing of key use led the Wylie Police Department to look for a technology solution to control and track access to strategic resources.

The Daily Challenges
The Wylie Police Department used an antiquated method of using a pegboard to manage keys to vehicles, offices, jail facilities, and other critical areas within the department, with a very low level of staff accountability.

- Publicidad -

The system identified the keys by tags, which often came off and made it difficult to establish which space they corresponded to. The process also made it impossible to identify or track who removed or used a key. This outdated process exposed the department, its staff, and its assets to security risks.

The lack of certainty about the location of the keys and the locks they opened wasted valuable time and resources, which could have been better used to serve the Wylie community.

The Solution
The implementation of Traka's intelligent key management system enabled the Wylie Police Department to successfully overcome its key management challenges and ushered in a new era of efficiency and security.

The old pegboard system was replaced by the Traka Touch Pro S key cabinet and TrakaWEB software solution, which provide controlled, automated, and audited key access throughout the facility, bolstering security and

The solution ensures compliance with the department's key return procedures, while allowing for better monitoring and detailed reporting of all key-related activity.

"My main concern is knowing where the keys are, making sure they're safe, and knowing who has them or if any of them have been lost," says Bryce Thompson, warden of the local prison.

The Results
The Wylie Police Department underwent a transformation in its key management process, quickly overcoming the inefficiencies and risks caused by the previous manual process.

The streamlined process for using, monitoring, and tracking keys virtually eliminated the downtime officers previously experienced when trying to track them.

- Publicidad -

Having a fully accountable control process has fostered a more efficient and responsible use of keys, as well as improved the security of the Department's facilities, vehicles, and restricted access areas.

Traka at Expo Seguridad México
Between April 16 and 18, visitors to Expo Seguridad México will be able to see first-hand the Traka Touch Pro solution, which will be on display during the fair at stand number 1335.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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