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SonicWall strengthens its team in Latin America


Latin America. Oscar Chavez-Arrieta has been named SonicWall's new Executive Vice President of Latin America to boost the brand's presence in the region.

"We are thrilled that Oscar has joined the SonicWall team to lead and drive the Latin America region forward," said Jason Carter, SonicWall CRO. "Oscar is a highly qualified and esteemed partner leader with extensive knowledge of the cybersecurity market. We are privileged to have Oscar join our team as we aggressively increase sales to meet market demand."

Palmáres de Chávez-Arrieta
Chavez-Arrieta comes to SonicWall with more than two decades of cybersecurity experience, most recently as Vice President of Latin America at Sophos. Previously, Chavez-Arrieta led sales partner transformation for Symantec, and also held multiple leadership positions at Dell Latin America, where he launched the organization's first alliance program with companies such as Intel, Oracle and Microsoft, among others.

"We have the right team, the right portfolio and the right vision. SonicWall is hiring world-class leaders globally and I am honored to be chosen to lead this transformation in Latin America; it's the perfect time to be a part of SonicWall," says Oscar.

- Publicidad -

Chavez-Arrieta is a passionate and widely regarded market leader, has been recognized by CRN in its annual Channel Chiefs three years in a row, chosen by HAYS as one of the top industry leaders, invited to write his ideas by Forbes frequently and a voice of DEI+B within the region and around the world. He studied economics at the FHS in Kempten (Germany) and has a master's degree in marketing and commercial management from the IPE of Spain.

SonicWall, a 100% channel-focused company, has more than 17,000 partners worldwide. Partners have the advantage of participating in the award-winning SecureFirst partner program, which earned a five-star rating in the 2023 CRN Partner Program guide. The perfect rating is only awarded to a select group of vendors who offer "the best of the best" to solution providers, going above and beyond in their partner programs.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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