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Easy and safe entry to Eco Baños

The Eco Baños of Santiago de Chile allow a more agile and safe entry with the turnstiles of Boon Edam. This solution is a benchmark for innovation and organization for the region. 


The new system of safety barriers installed in the four points of Eco Baños, located in the center of Santiago de Chile, consists of eight medium-height turnstiles of the Trilock 60 range, designed to make the process of entry and exit of users in situations of massive pedestrian flow more agile, controlled and safe.

For more than a decade, a public toilet solution called Eco Baños has been operating in the heart of Santiago de Chile, which users can access after paying a low usage fee. It is a system of four hygienic points strategically located in areas of high traffic of people: Paseo Ahumada in front of No.80, Paseo Ahumada in front of No.360, Paseo Estado in front of No.164 and Paseo Huérfanos in front of No.1214.

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Each room is designed and built with advanced technology and taking into account the most important conditions of accessibility for people with physical disabilities, the elderly and pregnant women such as elevators and toilets, children's changing tables, sinks and taps of high quality, hand dryers, efficient sewage expulsion system and a complete security system.

Currently, the four establishments serve about 2,000 people every hour from Monday to Friday, with high peaks of income between 12 and 18 hours. On weekends this figure decreases. However, every year, with the demographic growth and the visit of tourists, the number of users of the Eco Baños in the center of the Chilean capital, increases.

The high flow of users made an improvement necessary
With 12 years of operation and a growing demand for this service in the four establishments, the access control system that had been installed during the construction of the project, and that was still operating in 2016, began to be insufficient in contrast to the demand for the service, which slowed down the entry of users and the processes in general of the system.

It was necessary, then, to opt for a new solution that would allow the rapid transit of users, which offered more and better control options, greater security measures and the possibility of integrating an agile collection system in order to avoid knots in the entrance.

In 2016, Administradora de Servicios Higiénicos S.A., the company in charge of the operation of the system, made the decision to install new technology for access control. The Chilean company Acceder was in charge of installing and integrating the access solution and the collection system.

After studying the needs of the client and the possibilities of the market, and thanks to a wide, lasting and successful trajectory of teamwork with Boon Edam, Acceder opted to install eight Trilock 60ES2 turnstiles of Boon Edam, two for each establishment, one for the men's bathroom and one for the women's bathroom.

The solution to problems
Boon Edam Trilock 60ES2 turnstiles are a medium-height tripod safety barrier. This equipment is the most effective solution when it comes to controlling mass pedestrian access. They can be controlled by an access control system or an external control panel, or they can allow free access. Once granted access, the Trilock's mechanism is unlocked, allowing a single 120-degree manual turn. The automatic centering mechanism puts the arms back in the starting position, while the damping system ensures a smooth passage.

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To comply with global personal safety standards and protocols, this model offers 'lock' and 'free' modes, on the one hand, the 'lock' mode ensures that the entrance remains closed in case of emergency or power failure, on the other hand, the 'free' mode authorizes the passage by allowing the free rotation of the set of arms or by automatically folding the horizontal arm.

Likewise, the turnstile is integrated with other personal security systems such as a fire detection alarm, so that if it were to be activated, the 'free' function can be activated automatically.

High satisfaction
As Álvaro Abarca, owner of the integrator company Acceder, points out, "the center of Santiago is very busy throughout the day. It was necessary to have an agile access control solution that had high capacity for the number of people who attend each point. For that reason, turnstiles from the Trilock 60 line were chosen."

A year has passed since the installation of these new Boon Edam safety barriers in the Eco Baños of downtown Santiago de Chile and the results are unbeatable. The management company states that it is highly satisfied with the solution.

According to Rafael Pastene Rojas, general manager of Administradora de Servicios Higiénicos S.A., "the Boom Edam teams have been of our complete satisfaction both in their operation and in their support".

Pastene explains that due to the massive service, the process of sale and transit of users (entry and exit) must be as fast as possible without neglecting control and security. "The system installed in the four points meets the conditions of control and speed, factors that are crucial in our service, and that otherwise would have been impracticable," he says. To conclude, the manager of Eco Baños informs that the company intends to open new facilities in other areas of high pedestrian flow in downtown Santiago.

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About Royal Boon Edam
With increasingly global and dynamic work environments, the entrance has become the center of the activity of many buildings. Royal Boon Edam is a leader in the global access solutions market. Based in the Netherlands and with more than 140 years of experience in quality engineering, we have acquired extensive technical knowledge on the management of the movement of people in office buildings, airports, health centres, hotels and many other types of buildings. We focus on offering optimal services for our clients and their clients. By working alongside you, our client, we will help you determine the exact requirements for the concentrated mobility point in and around the building.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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