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Convenience, speed and banking security

The circulation of the new and advanced Chilean identification document confronted the financial sector with a series of technological challenges. Hand in hand with HID Global, with the HID Omnikey 5021 CL smart card reader, it was possible to meet the challenges and exceed expectations.


The change of format and technology of the Chilean identity document, which since 2013 came into operation, incorporated, among other elements, a microchip to store data and fingerprint and facial biometric information. The renewed document is shielded against fraud and adulteration. This update was a technological challenge for the banking sector and it was necessary to make changes in infrastructure and its processes to face this necessary advance.

Such is the case of a well-known bank in Chile; the increase in the acquisition of new DNI by Chileans represented structural challenges, according to Karen Montalva, Business Manager of Solem Engineering, the integrator who was in charge of the integration of the solution, since in all its offices the entity had an identity verification solution integrated into its cash module, which was compatible with the old document. However, it was not enough: "Due to the increase in new DNI, the bank could not verify the identity at the checkout, therefore it had to use alternative mechanisms that considerably increased the time of attention and the level of customer service, in addition to increasing the risk in the process of payment of checks and benefits."

- Publicidad -

Due to the loss of time and quality in the service, the financial institution needed, in a very short time, to update its identification system for one that was compatible with the technology offered by the new DNI and that, in addition, this solution was integrated transparently with the system that was already installed.


Solem is a company with more than fifteen years of experience in the development and integration of technological solutions for physical and electronic security, essentially in the lines of identification of people and documents, biometrics, authentication and access control. As Karen Montalva explains, the installation at the financial institution was carried out in the first half of 2015, in approximately 400 branches and 2800 reading points or ATMs.

The design and implementation of this solution had two major components (hardware and software). First, Solem developed a program with the aim of updating the software that the bank already had integrated into its cashier module. In the second component, 2,800 HID OMNIKEY 5021 CL readers were installed, with which an effective reading of the chip of the new DNI and a correct identity verification by match on card is achieved.

This device, developed by HID Global, is a contactless smart card reader, which enables a varied range of uses in various markets and in processes such as authentication on computers and networks, encryption, email signing and any action that requires reliable technology through the use of smart cards. It is a lightweight, small and portable equipment, features that make it ideal for working in limited spaces. Thanks to its high transmission speed (12 Mbps), the processes run in short times, this makes the quality of customer service better and the user experience much more positive.

The HID OMNIKEY 5021 CL reader has a USB connection for use with desktop computers. It is a device that can be perfectly integrated into any end-user environment since it requires little administration, in this way the experience of those who operate it is also favored.


- Publicidad -

After more than a year and a half of operation, the response of the client and the end user regarding the operation of the implemented technology could not be better. The equipment works smoothly and the challenges, which initially came from the implementation of the new DNI, were largely overcome.

Improvements in information security, greater agility and quality in customer service processes and increased reliability, are just some positive consequences that are evidenced by this technological advance.

"As integrators we found that the technology offered by HID Global is very good, robust and easy to integrate. Our experience with the brand and its products is very positive", concludes Karen Montalva. 

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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