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Hanwha Launches WAVE, Its New Managed Video Platform

Latin America. The company's new VMS features easy operation, 100% distributed functionality, allows for gradual growth and is compatible with different operating systems.

Hanwha Techwin presents in Latin America its new managed video platform that allows you to easily customize a total video surveillance system and grow in a distributed way according to the client's own needs: WAVE. 

One of the characteristics of this VMS that most highlights Germán Pacheco, Product Manager of Hanwha Techwin, is the simplification of the system: the implementation is done in an "intuitive" way, which ensures users navigation through the software. 

The installation, configuration of the servers, recording or the creation of layout; everything is designed to have simplicity in its operation and handling without the need to be a professional technician. 

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Adaptability and easy access

WAVE is compatible with different types of operating systems like Windows, Linux, Mac, etc. In addition, it integrates with all Hanwha camera series including video and audio analytics such as intrusion, loitering, audio detection and sound classification that can be easily managed from the platform at no additional cost. In this way, the application becomes more efficient, where the end user has a great diversity of products to integrate.

Likewise, the server and client have only 130MB and the complete installation takes a few minutes; you don't need robust workstations to run the software, as in fact an ARM processor-based server can handle the application. 

On the other hand, WAVE has features to help the system capture and record moments with minimal down time; Multi-sevidor redundancy and fail-over are supported at no additional cost.  

Finally, WAVE SYNC allows you to share the system without having advanced network knowledge; once the WAVE system is linked to the WAVE SYNC, you can easily get remote access or share the system. 

This allows the integrator to save time and cost in managing their customer's system, while for the end user it becomes quick and easy access to the system using security privileges.   

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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