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AUTODOME IP cameras are strengthened in location, tracking and zooming

Latin America. Like other Bosch network cameras, AUTODOME IP mobile cameras offer superior security by providing control, precision and detail at the right time. They are complemented by serial video analytics designed to take data usage to a new level. 

Cameras in motion 
The security sector has been immersed in a "pixel race" for years. The level of detail is what drives the business. Something understandable if we take into account that, in the field of security, detail is everything. It is essential that security personnel can see all the relevant information so that they can react more quickly and make sound decisions when something happens. The level of detail is important to identify people or provide irrefutable evidence. But what happens if a moving object leaves the camera's field of view?

The AUTODOME IP family of mobile cameras is the answer. These cameras are able to locate a person on the move quickly and accurately, even if they are far away. They allow users to manually or automatically track people of interest as they move, even at high speed and far beyond the field of view of a fixed camera. And they have the necessary zoom level to identify objects or people of interest at great distances. However, this only illustrates the current video security. We need to start thinking about the advantages of interpreting video data in ways that allow companies to go beyond security. AUTODOME IP cameras, thanks to the integrated video analysis included as standard, can easily provide data of interest for other uses. Things such as the application of traffic regulations, the control of prohibited parking areas, the detection of vehicles driving in the opposite direction and the provision of occupancy data (number of vehicles entering or leaving a car park) to manage parking in a smarter and more efficient way. With our smart portfolio of AUTODOME IP cameras, a new revolution has begun, and video security will be more than just an image.

Video analytics that go beyond security 
Future growth will be driven by new possibilities. How can we further improve security levels? What else can we do with the data generated by video security solutions? In this sense, the AUTODOME IP starlight 7000 camera offers something unique: starlight technology combined with Intelligent Video Analytics. With no need for optional lighting, the AUTODOME IP starlight 7000 camera provides color images well beyond the point at which other cameras switch to monochrome imaging. This substantially improves safety levels, as users can use the full video analysis feature, including color filtering, in scenes where ambient light is minimal (up to 0.0077 lux). 

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To the improved security levels must be added the Intelligent Tracking feature of the camera. If an object is detected, the Intelligent Tracking feature can be activated based on a predefined alarm rule or a simple click. Once activated, Intelligent Tracking ensures automatic and uninterrupted tracking of moving objects. Optimal capture of moving objects is achieved by dynamic adjustment of the field of view. The starlight technology and integrated Intelligent Video Analytics, combined with the camera's NEMA-TS2 rating, make the AUTODOME IP starlight 7000 the ideal candidate for traffic monitoring applications. 

The AUTODOME IP 4000i and IP 5000i cameras include Essential Video Analytics as standard. This allows cameras to understand what they are seeing and warn the user about potential threats at the very moment they occur. It allows you to instantly retrieve the correct images between several hours of stored video. But above all, these cameras offer features that go far beyond security. When inactive, they can provide interesting statistics such as the number of people entering a particular area, analyzing behavior, or helping to enforce health and safety regulations; for example, in the case of a blocked emergency exit. 

Video analytics makes it easy to manage video data. As it is possible to define some alarm rules (for example, if someone approaches a fence or climbs over it), security personnel will receive an alert the moment the criteria of that alarm rule are met. It can even be configured to recognize changes in speed (running), shape (crouching figures) or aspect ratio (falls).

Image quality 
The best video analysis to deliver data of interest can only be guaranteed when the image quality is adequate. Since there is no security solution that suits all circumstances, the AUTODOME family offers a wide variety of options that respond perfectly to the needs and budgets of various applications. 

The AUTODOME IP 4000i camera offers the perfect balance between aesthetics and performance. Designed for indoor applications, the discreet hemispherical housing of the AUTODOME IP 4000i model integrates perfectly into the decoration. It can cover a wide surveillance area with full swivel and tilt control and 12x optical zoom, and allows you to identify fast-moving objects at 1080p resolution and at distances of up to 88 meters with 60 frames per second. 

For indoor and outdoor applications with a wider surveillance area, the AUTODOME IP 5000i camera features a 30x optical zoom, 1080p resolution and 60 images per second to identify objects moving at high speed at a distance of up to 190 meters during the day. Both the AUTODOME IP 4000i camera and the AUTODOME IP 5000i camera have a high dynamic range of 94 dB.

In situations that require high-quality images over long distances in total darkness, the AUTODOME IP 5000i IR camera stands out. It provides the same image performance as the AUTODOME IP 5000i during the day, but at night the IR model can identify objects at a distance of up to 180 meters thanks to the integrated intelligent IR beam, which ensures optimal illumination of objects regardless of the zoom level.

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Another significant development in the mid-range segment of the Bosch product portfolio is the imminent launch of the AUTODOME IP 5000i with starlight technology. In addition to the features offered by the AUTODOME IP 5000i, the latest AUTODOME IP starlight 5000i cameras provide color images in low-light environments (up to 0.018 lux) in which other cameras switch to monochrome imaging. They also provide high dynamic range to ensure clarity in difficult 120 dB light scenes. A new armored bubble helps provide the highest quality of images by being anti-reflective, anti-static, anti-scratch and partially water-repellent. The AUTODOME IP starlight 5000i cameras are also available as IR and roof models (bubble is not available on IR model).

The AUTODOME IP starlight 7000 camera includes Bosch starlight technology as standard combined with a resolution of 1080p and an image rate of 30 frames per second. This allows the capture of color images with a high level of detail in scenes whose ambient light is minimal (up to 0.0077 lux), while objects moving at high speed are captured without difficulty thanks to the high speed of images. The camera's high dynamic range of 120 dB ensures perfect exposure of objects (moving) in uneven lighting scenes and in scenes with fog or low contrast, visibility is enhanced thanks to the camera's Intelligent Defog feature. The excellent image quality of the AUTODOME IP starlight 7000 is complemented by an optional rugged bubble that withstands strong impacts (IK10), humidity situations (IP66) and temperatures from -40 °C to +55 °C. 

Intelligent bitrate management and data security
All AUTODOME IP 4000i and 5000i cameras offer Intelligent Dynamic Noise Reduction and intelligent transmission combined with H.265 video compression. The AUTODOME IP starlight 7000 model incorporates Intelligent Dynamic Noise Reduction combined with H.264 video compression. Depending on the content of the scene, the bit rate is reduced by up to 80 %. 

This allows video data to remain manageable, while significantly reducing network load and storage requirements without sacrificing video quality. Like all Bosch network cameras, AUTODOME IP cameras include various software and hardware measures, such as the Trusted Platform Module, to ensure the security of video data.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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