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Axis launches two new lines of high-end cameras with 32x zoom and with Optimized IR

Mexico. More and more industries are demanding surveillance cameras with high levels of zoom to identify faces, read license plates or respond to incidents. To meet this need, Axis Communications has developed AXIS Q1785-LE and AXIS Q1786-LE network cameras, the next generation of high-end network cameras with up to 32x zoom and IR optimized for indoor and outdoor use.

With a zoom of up to 32x, the cameras can be installed at a significant distance from the target area, and still offer high-quality video to identify details in the scene. For example, if a roundabout is monitored where mounting is not possible, the camera can be located more than 260 meters away and still clearly display details that are not visible to the naked eye, such as car license plates. The rugged cameras also feature an impact-resistant aluminum housing and can withstand a wide temperature range.

Additional features of AXIS Q17 Series:

  • • High-quality capture of AXIS Q1786-LE with resolution up to 4 MP/Quad HD 1440p at 50/60 fps and AXIS Q1785-LE offers up to 2 MP/HDTV 1080p at 50/60 fps.
  • • IR Optimized to cover up to 80 meters (262 feet).
  • • IP66, IP67 and NEMA 4X ratings, as well as IK10 rated housing.
  • • Electronic image stabilization, impact detection, scene profiles and defogging.
  • • Pre-installation of AXIS Motion Guard, AXIS Fence Guard and AXIS Loitering Guard.
  • • Operating temperature range between -40°C to +60°C (-40°F to +140°F).
  • • Axis Forensic WDR, Lightfinder and Zipstream.

The cameras are optimized for surveillance on roads or intersections, as well as for general surveillance of cities. For example, cameras use a corridor format, which specifically captures vertical scenes, such as long streets or perimeters. This focused view provides a more detailed scene than would be achieved with a panoramic shot. The cameras can also be combined with accessories for pole or dual mount installation.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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