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All diversify the market

My dear readers, this time I will not give you "tips" or recommendations of market openings or brand positioning tactics. This editorial tells you better about something that I read recently, and that as I was able to conclude, it is very possible that security integrators/ installers, given the low profit margin obtained in their projects, end up diversifying the business chain backwards, that is, they will begin to offer services and "washers" that were traditionally in charge of the security managers of the final customers.

To give you an idea, I tell you that according to a market study prepared in Europe (an important fact is that this niche was valued in 2009 at € 5 billion) by the well-known firm IMS Research, the analysis and design service is the fastest growing, with profits scheduled to double in the period between 2009 and 2013. Now, for Europeans, this segment includes activities such as risk analysis, vulnerability assessment, system audits, analysis of security policy, specification and design of systems, topics that, with the exception of the last two, I do not know to what extent they are the competence of integrators/installers.

What I do not understand well, and at this point I do not know if the wrong ones are latinos or the rest of the world, is that on this side of the planet we always talk about the perfect division of functions in the business chain, so, in this way, we advocate for a manufacturer that produces technology, a distributor that is dedicated to selling, an integrator who understands the fundamentals of technology connection and an installer who knows how to "connect" in the right way. When we see someone stepping out of the mold, we say, "Woe to my mother."

Things are changing dramatically. Already integrators/installers must not only worry about staying up-to-date in IT and IT, but must also prepare to assume responsibilities that have traditionally been in charge of the heads of physical security.

Let's wait and see when the wave comes, if not already arrived. The only thing clear about all this discussion is that every time you have to accumulate more skills to be covered for any eventuality.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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