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Safety that travels roads

Nowadays transport companies are implementing video surveillance systems that allow, not only to reduce crime rates, but to provide a better service as Autotrasportes Valle del Mezquital did.

by Everfocus

The company Autotrasportes Valle del Mezquital (AVM), a leading public transport company in the state of Hidalgo, based in Tula, always committed to the  quality, punctuality and safety of its services, promoted the search for a video recording solution for the safety of its users and drivers.

AVM  installed on two routes (from Hidalgo to Mexico City), in a total of 65 trucks, cameras and digital video recorders EverFocus EDSR100M, this as a result of the continuous assaults near the Ojo de Agua booth and 2 km from Huehuetoca. The installation was in charge of the company Tecno Acción de Mexico, SA de CV, last November 2006.

"The results have been good, the assault rate has decreased  approximately  60% in the cars in which this equipment was installed."

According to Eng. Juan Carlos Lamas, administration manager of AVM. "Having the video has been very useful, by raising a record in front of the Public Ministry you can already deliver the video of the assault."

- Publicidad -

Travel Safety

To carry out the installation, some modifications were made to the transports. The luggage storage space was reduced, in addition to placing  fibers to the ceiling to resist vibration.

Ms. Amelia Blanco Paredes, head of operational information for AVM told us: "the video system has been working at 100%, tests were done with other equipment but they did not give us the same results, the EverFocus equipment has been the most stable."  Ms. Blanco also told us about the advantages of the EverFocus recorder by having a removable hard drive. "When the drive arrives at the base, it only takes five minutes to make the disk change in case you have to do a review and the drive goes its route without wasting time or information"  

This removable hard drive is special for mobile applications, being smaller and similar to that of a 2.5" Laptop  hard drive, and comes suspended in a special mount to withstand vibration, as well as to reduce the typical heating of a mobile application, perfect for use on roads that are not in optimal condition.

The main objective of incorporating video recorders to these routes is the safety of the user and the driver. However, AVM  has enjoyed  many other benefits as a result of the  incorporation  of video surveillance, allowing them to do other types of research, such as reviews to identify peak hours and know if the number of units needs to be increased or decreased at certain times of the day according to the number of users.   

Other benefits that this safety solution has brought is to verify that the driver is taking all the necessary safety measures, without distractions that may put the safety of passengers at risk.  AVM performs video reviews to ensure that the driver does not go on the cell phone, smoking, or conversing with passengers.  "The video equipment completely eliminated these types of distractions, the driver feels watched and does his job well," Ms. Blanco told us.

Today, after a year of being installed,  EverFocus equipment continues to work perfectly in compliance with customer objectives and satisfaction.

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