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Axis Communications launches two enhanced speakers

Axis Communications lanza dos altavoces mejorados

International. This is an updated mini network speaker, which is designed to fit discreetly into smaller spaces, as well as an outdoor-ready horn speaker for any weather.

Featuring a powerful new processor, these Axis speakers ensure optimal performance and a platform that enables future growth of system software and the addition of new features over time.

Discreet Mini Speaker
With a compact and flexible design, AXIS C1410 Mk II Network Mini Speaker can be installed on walls, ceilings, corridors or other areas. This eco-friendly product is made from up to 76% recycled plastic. Based on open standards, this solution can be integrated with other systems such as VoIP telephony, as well as video cameras and analytics systems from Axis and third parties.

This multi-purpose speaker can be used to play voice messages for safety or operational efficiency purposes. It's ideal for playing pre-recorded or live scheduled messages.

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It can also be used for background music. With a wide range, it offers wide audio coverage that keeps installation costs low with fewer speakers needed. Key features include:

  • All-in-one speaker system.
  • Connection to a standard network.
  • Easy installation with PoE.
  • Remote status testing.
  • PIR sensor for motion detection.

Including a built-in microphone, this mini speaker supports 2-way audio and speaker test functionality for remote status testing. AXIS Audio Manager Edge is built-in, allowing you to efficiently manage and control your audio system with features such as zone management and content scheduling.

Content can also be prioritized so that live voicemails always take precedence, ensuring that critical information such as emergency announcements and location is always delivered quickly.

In addition, like other Axis products, it includes Axis Edge Vault, a hardware-based cybersecurity platform that protects the device and sensitive information from unauthorized access.

Outdoor Ready Network Horn Speaker
Axis Communications also recently launched an updated horn loudspeaker, ideal for any outdoor environment and any weather. AXIS C1310-E Mk II Network Horn Speaker is an all-in-one, ready-to-use outdoor ceiling speaker that can be installed on walls and top poles.

Pre-configured digital signal processing ensures a clear, long-range voice, ideal in noisy environments when people need to be informed about urgent situations.

Based on open standards, it supports proactive security and is easy to integrate with video management software (VMS), voice over IP (VoIP) telephony (using SIP) and analytics from Axis and its partners.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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