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Ajax Systems wins its first Red Dot Awards

Ajax Systems gana sus primeros Red Dot Awards

International. Three Ajax Systems solutions received the award, recognized internationally as a seal of quality obtained by products with exceptional design.

This year, Ajax anti-intrusion and home automation products were recognized in the following categories:

  • Smart Products Category: KeyPad TouchScreen Jeweller.
  • Interior Design Elements Category: WaterStop and LeaksProtect
  • Interior Design Elements Category: LightSwitch and Outlet.

Judged by an international and respected group of experts, the applications are evaluated on criteria such as innovation, functionality, formal quality and ecological compatibility.

"We are honored to receive three Red Dot Awards that confirm our commitment to creating products that not only deliver exceptional performance, but also captivate users with their design and ease of use. These awards reflect the dedication and creativity of our team, reaffirming Ajax Systems' position as a leader in the security and home automation markets," said Valentine Hrytsenko, Chief Marketing Officer of Ajax Systems.

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KeyPad TouchScreen
It is a wireless touchscreen keyboard that combines security and home automation device management.

It features a large 5-inch IPS display with customizable night and day modes and auto-brightness. The scratch-resistant glass ensures durability and original look.

A high-resolution display with capacity for all the necessary controls ensures the quality of the images. The KeyPad TouchScreen offers intuitive group management, a familiar interface similar to that of the Ajax app, and high-end security features such as DESFire technology and BLE support, which allow you to control the keyboard via your smartphone with an Ajax app.

LightSwitch & Outlet
This family of smart light switches and sockets combines sleek design with advanced technology, allowing users to control their lighting and sockets from their smartphones.

The LightSwitch features a large, touch-sensitive panel that responds instantly to touchless touches or gestures: just bring a hand at least 15mm away from the device and the lights come on.

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Thanks to the LED backlight, it's easy to do this even in the dark. The LightSwitch, which does not require a neutral cable, is available in single- and two-band and two-way models, with replaceable front panels in eight colors: white, fog, gray, graphite, ivory, oyster, olive or black.

The Wireless Outlet has flexible settings and remote configuration, supports automation scenarios, displays statuses with LED indication, and helps detect "energy vampires" among electrical appliances. It also has a touch power button to turn off the device, so there's no need to use the app or unplug the electrical appliance from the outlet manually.

WaterStop & LeaksProtect Family
Designed to protect homes and property from flooding, the LeaksProtect quickly detects leaks and the presence of water, helping users prevent costly damage and maintain peace of mind. With a height of just 14 mm, its compact design allows it to fit anywhere water leaks can occur.

The LeaksProtect, together with the WaterStop electric shut-off valve, can build an intelligent anti-flood system for remote or automatic control of the water supply. WaterStop consists of a valve and a powerful electric actuator that shuts off the water automatically according to a command from the Ajax app or by pressing a button on site.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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