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Hanwha Vision adds features to its AI cameras

Hanwha Vision agrega funciones a las cámaras con IA de la Serie Q

International. Hanwha Vision now offers dual light options with white and infrared LEDs on its Q-Series AI cameras to provide better low-light performance and keep outdoor areas safe.

QNE-C9013RL and QNE-C8013RL dual-light cameras avoid the need for external light sources. This reduces additional lighting costs and at the same time prevents light pollution caused by constant lighting, as the cameras only use white light when needed. The range is further complemented by a flateye design for easy installation.

The combination of this dual-light functionality with AI analysis means that these cameras offer highly accurate object detection (vehicles and people) with up to 4K resolution, even in very low light situations.

Automatic Lighting
When people or vehicles enter a specific area, the cameras automatically switch from unobtrusive IR mode to warm white light illumination. This produces brighter, safer environments for pedestrians while also working as a deterrent to criminals, by shining or shining a bright light on people loitering or engaging in suspicious activity.

- Publicidad -

The range is therefore suitable for many different uses, including protecting commercial premises and retail, or providing peace of mind and a warm welcome in residential areas.

The 3000K warm white LED light allows you to capture full-color images at night without fading reflective surfaces or causing overexposure, and with aperture ratios of F1.6 and F1.2, the cameras deliver exceptional low-light performance.

Fewer false alarms
The recent addition of Artificial Intelligence to Hanwha Vision's Q-Series cameras enables accurate classification of people and vehicles by filtering out irrelevant motion triggers such as moving animals or waving tree leaves, ultimately generating fewer false alarms for operators.

Thus, the efficiency of the equipment is improved and users can perform effective forensic searches, while achieving more efficient use of recording bandwidth.

Q Series dual-light cameras have a wide range of AI features, including WiseStream III video compression with AI, to reduce bandwidth, and WiseNRII noise reduction, to limit blur in noisy and low-light environments.

Business Intelligence
The dual-light Q-Series models, like the Q-Series range of AI-powered cameras, feature Business Intelligence features including heatmapping, people counting, vehicle counting, and queue management. This provides end users with an affordable way to gain data-driven insights from video, without having to install additional cameras. These insights can help businesses make more informed strategic decisions and increase revenue.

Easy Installation
A revamped design for the flateye camera means it's easier and more intuitive to install. Pan, tilt and rotation can also be adjusted quickly, simply by turning a screw.

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Pread Um (Suk Bong), Chief Product and Marketing Officer at Hanwha Vision, said, "The Q Series is known for its versatility, ease of use, and affordability. The latest additions to this line are no exception with the dual light feature, Artificial Intelligence features, and great image resolution. Businesses will benefit from better situational awareness, comprehensive Business Intelligence, as well as an effective deterrent to anti-social and criminal behaviour, with Artificial Intelligence working in the background to alert on any events that require their attention."

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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