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Netsocs, a unique technological system for organizations


International. Integration, data management, automation and ultra customization are the four pillars on which Netsocs is based, a software solution that allows the integral management of the subsystems of an organization, through the creation of a unique technological ecosystem.

"Although we were born in the electronic security sector, we are a tool that also integrates technological platforms from different areas, such as building automation, IoT, Industry 4.0 and even software such as ERP, CRM, WMS, among others. This way we avoid the rupture of information between the various areas of a company, "says Carlos Jiménez, Product Manager of Netsocs.

The executive also refers that thanks to the customization capacity of the software, it has application in practically all business verticals that exist, from video management, access control, GPS, lighting and productivity; to software that can create a convergence of all these systems, a concept called C7.

"We believe that useful information should always be available in real time and that is why our platform is responsible for taking the data, digesting it, classifying it and displaying it according to the direct needs of each department involved in the process," explains Jiménez, who answered Security Sales questions about the solution developed by Netsocs.

- Publicidad -

What are the main differences between a Global Management Center (C7) and a Command and Control Center (C5)?
We add the concepts of coordination and quality. In general, this represents the ability of the software to manage the different scenarios that are lived and executed daily in a command and control center. Our Netsocs solution alone coordinates 80% or even more of daily activities, while permanently validating processes. This is how we manage to improve the response, service and efficiency.

You mentioned that C7 is a concept that you have been working on: is it already being commercialized or will it be released later?
We are in the process of publicizing the concept, which has been gaining more and more followers. In fact, several of our projects in Latin America are being conceptualized under this formula, which we are sure will revolutionize the way of building a control room, understanding the process more as the sizing of a new solution.

Please mention an example of what can be automated with C7, reducing the percentages of human error.
An example that does not necessarily constitute a process, but that can be solved through automation and C7, is "fear of growth". There is a belief that the growth of an operations center necessarily implies investing more resources in monitoring personnel, directly impacting operating and service costs. This growth brings operational problems, if there are recurring failures in the process, constant changes of personnel, training and even leakage of sensitive information. Expert analysts in the creation and design of monitoring centers indicate that approximately 80% of the failures registered are related to the direct negligence of the operator, having an impact on the direct costs for payment of fines, reconciliations, production errors and, even, for internal thefts. This phenomenon has caused monitoring, command and control centers to stagnate in terms of the services they offer and to no longer enhance their capabilities at the security and industry level.

And at the operational level?
The process of receiving intrusion alarms generates a high error rate at different points of its execution, because operators often make mistakes, either due to ignorance of the process or slowness in the operational response. Netsocs offers a 100% automated alarm management module, with which the intervention of the monitor is not necessary, if desired. Each process is created according to the scenarios that are elaborated and the same system can also configure them, from a call to communication processes, and the final report can be generated by the same platform. An automated ticketing platform, and correlated with the reception of fault signals and services, minimizes the need for constant monitoring of operators, since the same tool is responsible for understanding, classifying, addressing, escalating, tracking and closing the event autonomously.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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