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Renewal of access control in tobacco firm

We present an interesting access control project carried out to a renowned company in the Dominican Republic.

by Security Sales

Having precise access control allows the user to stay fully informed and track all possible logistical and personnel movements that are desired. For this there are different technological solutions that control access and generate records for the correct management and operation of the company.

This was clear to the company La Aurora, a firm from the Dominican Republic, specialized in the tobacco industry, which saw the need to improve its access control systems. La Aurora was founded on October 3, 1903 by Eduardo León Jimenes, a man who was the son and grandson of tobacco growers and who, without neglecting his family tradition, wanted to go one step further with the creation of a cigar brand to which he aspired to give a global dimension.

- Publicidad -

Its founder was then 18 years old, inherited some land tasks and with a reduced payroll of six tobacco companies, a lot of enthusiasm and effort, he began to build his dream. Today, 115 years later, La Aurora has a presence on five continents and more than a thousand employees.

What did the company want to solve?
In short, La Aurora wanted to ensure the security of its facilities, preventing unauthorized access. Therefore, they relied on CDVI solutions, requesting the following requirements:

Have a system that would allow them to see in real time how many people are inside the facilities and be able to take action in an emergency.
Have a reliable system that allows you to carry out with certainty the level of assistance of the company's employees and that can be integrated with the payroll payment system.
To be able to have a reliable history of the visits and contractors that access the company's facilities. A different system with flexibility to create accesses, schedules and doors, guaranteeing security.

To solve these requirements, the integrator company AWM Solutions, which represents CDVI in the Dominican Republic, was in charge of installing the new access control systems required by the client.

AWM Solutions is a company created from the merger of Aplex Security (Security Solutions, protection, access control, management and location of assets via GPS and / or Internet), Wireless Solutions (Connectivity, Internet and Network Solutions) and Meintersa (Automation and Network Contractors) to present to the Dominican market integral solutions that guarantee their security and protection at the best price without sacrificing quality.

AWM Solutions brings an integration proposal to the client, La Aurora, to make the change of the system (Kantech) they had and add some customizations adapting CDVI to the La Aurora system.

The integrator gave his opinion regarding the use of manufacturer's technology (CDVI) to solve problems inherent to the business of its customers:

- Publicidad -

"CDVI, being a robust system in constant innovation process, solves many of the operational issues of business. In the case of the customer in question, being a stable and complete system, it eliminates a lot of operational time of employees; through the creation of automated reports and efficient templates, the waste of time is avoided, to this is added the ability to customize the reports and create automatic shipments. In the same way, it integrates with video systems allowing greater efficiency in the search time when you have an event, this improves the function of those who operate the system. "

Customer Testimonial
Once the installation was completed, the client expressed himself regarding the service received from the integrator. "From the integrator we have received the support and flexibility to adapt the platform to our needs, always looking to adapt the system to our requirements."

For its part, AWM Solutions expressed itself regarding the support received from the manufacturer and wholesaler: "For AWM Solutions to be able to achieve the integration of the client required adjustments and changes in the platform and CDVI was a cornerstone in the development of that application that allowed the correct operation in light of the client's expectations".

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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