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Global overview of the regional industry

We seek the opinion of prominent players in the electronic security industry in LATAM with a view to better understanding the movements that 2019 will bring.

By Security Sales

In our region one of the biggest concerns will always be safety, both at home and at work, transport, the street and in practically all its surroundings. In recent years, armed robberies, vandalism, as well as car thefts and other crimes have increased.

Therefore, we wanted to go to some of the most influential members of our industry in order to help us glimpse the panorama, in terms of electronic security, that the Latin American region will have.

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Milestone Systems
Juan Carlos George, Sales Director of Milestone Systems for Latin America.

The electronic security industry is growing by leaps and bounds in different segments and there come trends that we have to incorporate, such as artificial intelligence, which although they are not new, analytics companies are incorporating more and more, to expand their portfolio of services. This results in a training requirement, with new ideas, since these changes break paradigms, even to modify new business models.

Also devices in IoT environments are impacting how solutions interact with each other, there is a strong trend towards having more devices in addition to network-connected cameras such as cell phones, sensors, etc., that generate information and signals, so we have to think about how we are going to integrate them and implement them in the security part, each new element involves thinking about how platforms should work.  

Finally, I would like to emphasize that there is a very strong trend also towards Cloud, it is something that we are focusing on, and although it is not something new, we want to promote with more appropriate solutions to these needs, since more and more companies and institutions are looking for solutions via Cloud.

All industries need security but not all need it in the same way. That is why our solutions must have that flexibility, the idea is to remain strong in the industries of government, retail, critical structure, education, transport  and similar verticals in the region, and be aware of all the trends and needs that arise.

HID Global
Rogério Coradini, Sales Director of HID Global's PACS (Physical Access Control Systems) business unit for South America.

For this 2019 we will continue to invest in the development of solutions and products related to mobile access control. The demand for HID Mobile Access, for example, has been growing exponentially year after year, more and more customers in Latin America are interested in the security, mobility and convenience of these solutions.

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This is a path without a way back, the importance of smartphones in our lives is unquestionable and our challenge is to put in the hands of users a tool that combines two very important factors: convenience and security, which is difficult to achieve.

Now, thinking about the coming years, for 2020 and 2025 there will be the expansion of 5G coverage; in fact, according to a report issued by the GSM Association in 2017, by 2024 the total connections of this network will exceed 50 million, which is equivalent to almost 5% of total connections worldwide.

These elements and other details show us that we must continue working on offering a robust, efficient mobile access control solution with all the security parameters demanded by the current environment.

Alex Pazos, Sales Director at Hanwha.

We plan to officially launch in Latin America our new WAVE managed video platform, which allows you to easily customize a total video surveillance system and grow in a distributed way according to the client's own needs; the above to have a complete solution and analytics approach between LPR, facial recognition and go much more hand in hand with strategic video surveillance partners.

In terms of Human Resources, it has been investing in strategic collaborators in the area of Sales and Business Development to have a greater penetration in the market of verticals and technological solutions".

- Publicidad -

Germán Pacheco, Product Manager at Hanwha.

As for the cameras, we will continue along the same line of modular design and with improvements in audio and video analytics.

Lorena Bouwer, Marketing Manager for Latin America at Hanwha.

The launch of WAVE will generate a series of events to present it to distributors and integrators, with trainings to learn about the benefits of the platform. On the other hand, the STEP program, currently in brazil, Mexico and Colombia, will be extended to two other Latin American countries during 2019.

We will also continue with the Roadshows series with the presentation of new products in the second half of the year, both for integrators and in some places for end users. The idea is to extend it more and more to all Latin American countries, as has been done since the first one that was held in Mexico two years ago, to later move to Peru, Paraguay, Colombia and Chile last year. In the case of the Caribbean, we will also be working hand in hand with the distributors to give a lot of support to the local team in the subject of events.

To this is added our traditional participation in the most important events in the industry such as AES Brazil, Expo Seguridad Mexico, E+S+S Colombia, and also this year we will be at Expo Seguridad Chile".

Beverly Wilks, Marketing Director for the Americas at Genetec.

Cybersecurity: Businesses and organizations across all verticals are increasingly aware of the growing cyber threats and the damage they can cause to businesses, institutions, and individuals. With a continuous rise in state-sponsored piracy and cyber warfare, it is becoming increasingly important to properly veterinary all the products we install on our networks. Every year we see more evidence that cheaper solutions take a very high price in terms of cyber risk. This is because low-cost devices typically include fewer layers of protection, and are more likely to include encryption and unsecured possible intrusion. Organizations, regardless of their size, have to be diligent, and put more emphasis on cybersecurity.

Business and Operations: Operations and security are increasingly connected. And with this increase in connectivity, companies are getting even more value from their security systems. In question, we're seeing companies share security data with teams such as customer service, marketing, human resources, and operations. In a corporate environment, facilities management teams could improve building automation by using security sensors, such as video cameras; Thus, in the event that a camera does not detect movement in a particular room for a specific period of time, the security platform could automatically turn off the lights and reduce the temperature of the room. This single application would not only reduce operating costs, but also help the organization's energy efficiency standards meet.

Companies evolve from the management of identity holders: There is more to ensure an organization than to keep the wrong people in buildings. Access to intellectual property, logical systems and specialized equipment needs to be protected as well. That's why companies will sooner start identity management, rather than cardholders, to be more intuitive and secure.

Identities are essentially employee profiles that encompass many attributes such as role, degree of pay, seniority, title, and accreditations, etc. Using an identity management system, an organization can automatically assign employee rights to buildings, as well as logical systems such as a CRM. This eliminates the tasks of draining application and granting permitting resources, while the compliance standards they ensure are being met. Security teams will also have a clearer idea of potential threats, detecting suspicious behavior beyond physical risks.

Axis Communications
Manuel Zamudio, Industry Associations Manager at Axis Communications,

Part of our strategy is to innovate and offer better video surveillance systems, access control, audio systems and intelligent technology. Our technology is 80% preventive and 20% reactive, we seek that companies and businesses can prevent inconveniences, and that people and goods are safe.

Axis Communications knows that companies are concerned about their transformation and adoption of new technologies, but many times they do not know where to start or which are suitable for their business, since it is not only to renew the infrastructure and streamline processes, it must also really do an internal analysis to know what the real needs of organizations are.

For this 2019, the trends of interconnection, IP systems, IoT applications, come stronger and with much more growth in the face of the evolution of organizations that seek to provide services and products of better quality for their customers and consumers. That is why Axis, presents the six trends that come strong for this year in video surveillance and security:

1. Cybersecurity:
It is an issue that continues to be a trend and, without a doubt, with the increase in the combination of increasingly connected devices and systems, cybercriminals will also be in charge, every day with more aggressive tactics and systems when trying to violate networks and extract information; a concern for businesses and governments today.

At Axis, we focus 100% on cybersecurity and do our best to mitigate your risks. We have strict requirements for our own products and are working diligently with our partners and customers to combat this threat."

2. Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial intelligence still has a long way to go; however, every day it gains greater strength; and it is expected that it can join the security industry. At the moment it remains an emerging technology.

Progress differs from industry to industry and application to application. In some fields, especially healthcare and specifically cancer screening, AI is already having a significant positive impact. In other areas, progress is more steady. Video surveillance is one of them.

3. Cloud and Edge Computing

One of the trends that has remained and continues to grow is: The Cloud. As Internet of Things devices increase, so does the amount of data generated that require storage.

Hand in hand with this increase is edge computing, where more network data is being processed; by a video camera or access control device. This can significantly reduce bandwidth and storage demands.

4. Smart technology to deliver environmental benefits.

There are currently new types of sensors that can more accurately measure the environmental impact on an organization's sites, effectively acting as highly sensitive tools, calibrated for different forms of production, for example thermal imaging that can be used to identify areas of energy waste.

An example of this would be, in a critical area where such sensors can increase awareness, understanding and increasingly enable corrective actions, is air quality. Whether within buildings or in the external urban environment, negative health impacts and associated costs are becoming a growing problem. Smart sensors will have a central role to play in addressing the problem globally.

5. Personalization Vs. Privacy

2018 could be considered as the year in which knowledge of data privacy reached its highest point, particularly that associated with personal information. For those in the public and private sectors, the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) reached a higher level of scrutiny than ever before over how organizations collect, store, share and use personal information (including that captured by video surveillance). However, for the consumer at large, there are more likely to be issues related to Facebook's use of the data, which has increased awareness and concern regarding what happens to personal data being delivered online.

6. Sensor integration driving smart actions

A final trend that we are confident will be increasingly prevalent in 2019, will be the combination and integration of sensors to incite "smart" actions.

In a smart city, a motion sensor connected to a barrier could trigger a camera that, in turn, would trigger an alert in the operations center, allowing for a quick and appropriate response. Or an environmental sensor could again activate a video camera or thermal camera to quickly identify fires or spills, which will again generate alerts that will create a faster and more effective response. When you consider the range of sensors, from thermal to motion, from atmospheric to video, the ways they could be combined are endless, as are the potential benefits of doing so.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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