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Micro data centers with IoT will ensure connectivity

Latin America. In the next two years it is estimated that there will be more than 40,000 million connected devices and IoT solutions will reach a value of 7.1 trillion dollars.

Schneider Electric, a leader in digital transformation of energy management and automation, discusses the near-term future of micro data centers. These systems are innovative solutions, but they are still in the early adoption phase and the market potential is incalculable, so it must be analyzed where they are already in use? and how fast will the market grow? to be able to potentiate the places or regions that have a certain lag.

Actually, it is possible that people or yourself, are using micro data centers and you don't even know it. The demand for real-time (or near real) data processing in environments such as automated factories (robots), industrial automation (cranes), and the stock and bond market, for example, require the capabilities that these solutions provide  .

The large amount of data required in industries such as oil and gas exploration and drilling, construction, and mining, also requires on-site processing and therefore does not pass through other centers of increasing latency.

- Publicidad -

Other sites may not need them and big data, but micro data centers offer advantages by quickly implementing standardization, manageability, troubleshooting, and security, not to mention cost-effectiveness.

But if we look further, the future tells us that the greatest potential will be realized by realizing a massive distributed network of micro data centers, by integrating them to form a content distribution network. This edge computing will support the Internet of Things, which includes the emerging category of wearable devices. This is where data processing could be reduced to milliseconds and will be a formidable advancement of these solutions and technology.  

Forbes recently reported on the massive size of the IoT (Internet of Things), expecting global market solutions to reach a value of $7.1 trillion by 2020 and connected devices to double to more than 40 billion. While micro data centers could be a niche today, they will become increasingly ubiquitous as they will be necessary to facilitate this unprecedented connectivity.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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