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With Virtualization, reduce expenses and optimize your IT resources and applications

11 July, 2011 by eblog

Con la Virtualización reduzca gastos y optimice sus recursos y aplicaciones de TI Thanks to Virtualization you can discard the "1 server – 1 application" model, since you can run several virtual machines on a single machine if you wish.

Among the advantages offered by virtualization, it should be noted that having a virtualized data center allows you to respond to market dynamics more quickly and efficiently. Customers will save 50% to 70% on overall IT costs by consolidating their resource pools and providing machines that offer high availability.

More advantages of Virtualization

Improve enterprise desktop management and control with faster desktop deployment and fewer support service calls caused by application conflicts. Reduce capital costs by increasing energy efficiency, reducing hardware, while increasing the ratio of servers per administrator. Ensure that enterprise applications perform at maximum availability and performance. Run Windows on a Mac to create a virtual PC environment for all Windows applications.Run multiple operating systems on a single computer such as: Windows, Linux, etc. Build business continuity with enhanced disaster recovery solutions and deliver high availability across the data center.

Virtualization of work environments

Create a work environment for users, including applications and data.

This virtual environment can be secured and implanted in devices such as USB flash drives, to be able to work on any PC in the world in a totally safe way.

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