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Companies invest 20% in security

21/01/2011 Saltillo, Coahuila. The wave of violence that the country is experiencing reduces the competitiveness of companies, which must allocate up to 20 percent of their expenses to security measures.

Humberto Jaramillo Rodríguez, former national president of Canacintra and president of the Círculo Empresarial Association, said in Saltillo that the resources used by companies installed in Mexico both to protect the integrity of their executives and that of their facilities, reduce profits since they represent an expense that in other conditions should not be expended.

"If you have money for private security it is a cost that in another country you would not have to pay," he said, "the fact that you invest in security already takes away competitiveness and distracts you, because even those who have the possibility of paying because they take care of us, then you have to take care of even those who take care of you.

"There are areas of the country where the item that has to do with security is 20 percent of their expenses," he said.

- Publicidad -

Without specifying exact figures on the amounts, Jaramillo indicated that the states of Nuevo León, Baja California, Chihuahua and Tamaulipas are where companies must invest the most in security, due to the high rates of violence.

However, the problem is not completely solved, the business leader added.

"Unfortunately it's a cost that doesn't even give you peace of mind that you're already safe," he said. "If you spend 20 percent security, it's something you shouldn't spend."

The hiring of escorts, electronic doors, surveillance systems, among others, are some of the expenses they must resort to to avoid being victims of violence.

The former national leader of Canacintra said that insecurity has other long-term consequences for companies.

One of them will be the succession of commanders, since in most cases businessmen send their children to live in other countries to protect them from insecurity.

"Those guys are going to develop abroad, they're going to grow up and they're going to stay there. We are sending many of our values, from our young professionals abroad and we are leaving companies without succession on this side," he said.

- Publicidad -

Villarreal Rodríguez was in Saltillo where he witnessed the inauguration of the new leader of Canacintra Saltillo, Daniel Calvert.


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