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In the cloud or not? What is the best option for your monitoring center?

Latin America. Cloud services or cloud services refer to the use of software applications hosted on infrastructure external to your company and covering all aspects of connectivity and accessibility for both administrators and end users. This infrastructure is created, sustained and managed by software, storage, database solution providers, among others.

In any case, current monitoring centers necessarily require the use of cloud services to offer services of greater connectivity, for example, mobile applications.  So the initial answer is that the cloud is, in effect, an obligation in today's monitoring centers.   Now, the more specific question is whether to maintain a hybrid model: cloud services combined with traditional infrastructure or move entirely to the cloud and eliminate on-premises infrastructure.

Everything is focused on the needs and capabilities of the company.  If you are just starting out in the monitoring business and have not had a monitoring center before, definitely starting with the cloud business will bring you great economic benefits.   You will not have to make investments in servers, databases, licenses, internet channels, network administration, applications for computer security, among others. You can start your operation in a few days and you will have state-of-the-art services.

If it has had a monitoring center in operation, it is best to maintain a hybrid model and extend the use of cloud-based services.  This will add to the company's ability to offer new services and stay on the agenda in services to meet user demand.   It must also guarantee that its own infrastructure (Model opposed to the cloud), is compatible with new technologies and facilitates the permanent updating of applications, resources, service models, among others.

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Do not remain disconnected. Maintaining a fully traditional model without including cloud solutions will only make your services obsolete.  The technological pace is such that it runs the risk of being easily overtaken by newly emerging companies, they have an advantage because they will not have to make great efforts to use new technologies.

The discussion about both models is broad because both advantages and disadvantages can be debated for each.   On the one hand, the use of services completely in the cloud makes us think of backup models in case of failures or access limitations while on the other, creating and maintaining your operation can exceed the demand for company resources.

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Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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