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The Power of Good Relationships

altIn this column we will talk about the power of good interpersonal relationships in business and how they help us achieve success.

by Héctor R. Torres, PhD, MBA, CPP, CFE, CHS*

A fraternal greeting from Puerto Rico to all colleagues and readers of this column. It is a pleasure to share again with you. In today's column we will talk about another topic of great importance to security practitioners.

Every lasting business is based on interpersonal relationships, so this is a subject that should be studied very carefully. Much has been said about the importance of good interpersonal relationships based on the golden rule of treating others the same way we would like to be treated.

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However, this becomes more complex when we look at it from a business point of view.  Here we must consider the aspects of ethics in business.

Ethics in interpersonal relationships in business
Ethics is defined as the moral principles that govern the acceptable conduct of a person or group of people in a society. Ethics in interpersonal relationships in business can be defined as behavior between two or more people that encourages respect, frank communication, honesty, and integrity among people involved in business transactions for the purpose of creating a mutually beneficial professional relationship.

Ethics in interpersonal relationships in business promulgates the dignified treatment of people, professional conduct in business, and the reduction of potential conflicts.

Where ethics clash in interpersonal relationships with the business world is when the sole purpose of business is to produce profits regardless of the negative consequences that this may bring to another person. Although it is understood that the basis of all business is to produce profits, ethical lack can destroy an interpersonal or business relationship.

Manipulate or influence?
Many think that everything is allowed in business to achieve success. Relationships based on this premise are not lasting as the relationship can be based on manipulation.  There is a big difference between what manipulation is and what it is to influence.

Manipulation focuses on seeking the well-being of a single person while influence seeks well-being for both parties. Manipulation can lead us to get new clients or businesses but in the long run end up destroying the relationship established by not being based on truth and ethics.

A relationship that is destroyed in this way has very little chance of being recovered.  However, when we influence a prospective customer we look for ways to meet their needs by pointing out and educating how we can help them with our product or service.  What you are trying to achieve is a situation where both; the customer and the seller win.

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The interpersonal relationships we establish also have the particularity that define us as people, professionals and as traders. Our reputations are defined and depend on the interpersonal relationships we establish.

The goal of interpersonal relationships
The basic goal of interpersonal relationships is to establish lasting relationships.  To achieve them you have to be willing to invest a lot of time. If we look at our customers simply as a business has been acquired for our economic well-being we are doing a bad service to those prospective customers.  Think for a minute how we feel when a person comes to sell us a product or service without even knowing what our true needs are. We think that person sells only to reach a quota.

It is understood that sellers have to make the sales quota but how bad we feel when the focus of the sellers is on making the sale at all costs.  In our culture, we love it when a salesperson takes their time in establishing a friendly relationship and tries to identify our needs before attempting to carry out a sale.  We are flattered because the seller strives to get to know each other and establish a relationship based on respect and mutual trust.

I assure you that when a salesperson does this, he beats us as a prospective customer even if he does not consume the sale.  The next time a need for a product or service arises, the first person we will remember will be that seller.

Rules for establishing good relationships
1. Humility.  No one likes to deal with a braggart who spends his time bragging about his accomplishments and the people he knows.  Bragging about achievements and people one knows demonstrates a degree of insecurity and does not truly demonstrate what a person is or what they can achieve in terms of a potential business.

Always try to get to know the prospective customer better, their needs and less time trying to impress them. Focus on finding solutions to your security problems instead of trying to get a sale.

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2. Respect. Every prospective customer wants to feel respected.  Our dealings with a prospective client should be based on a formal deal based on respect for their position within a company and as a human being.  You also have to respect their time.  Many prospective clients have their agenda loaded and need their time.  Be short and precise in your presentation.

3. Frankness. Always be frank with your customers.  Don't promise anything that you can't fulfill or exaggerate the virtues of your product or service.  Sometimes there is only one opportunity to make a good impression.  You can't establish a good interpersonal business relationship based on lies or half-truths.

4. Professionalism.  Professionalism is demonstrated by the image and confidence that one projects, by the behavior that one displays, by the knowledge of one demonstrates and by the language that one uses. Prepare for that meeting with the client with the intention of fostering a truly lasting relationship.

In conclusion
One of the great purposes for which we exist in these times is to make a difference in the lives of others. The Chinese have an ancient saying that we will be immortalized when we achieve three things in our lives; have a child, plant a tree and write a book.

I tell them that we will be immortalized in the hearts of the people with whom we made a difference. Therefore, the good interpersonal relationships that we establish become a powerful instrument for the achievement of success since through them we can influence and make a big difference in the lives of others.

I invite you to continue to share your ideas and concerns from the world and security management.

A hug and see you next time!

* If you wish you can write to the author of this article by email: [email protected]

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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