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Worth it

altThe human being is instinctively endowed with the will to live despite obstacles, so "it is worth it".

by Adhir Uzcátegui*

I relate this to motivation because every man is in himself naturally "motivatable", as if he were predisposed to find a reason to awaken, to act, to live. However, it is only possible to motivate others if one is encouraged oneself. Otherwise, every attempt is futile, or at least inconsistent. The rule once again repeats itself: let's start with ourselves.

Waking up earlier, not being able to sleep thinking about some action or project to perform, feeling physically good, are signs of being so, regardless of the reward.

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Monetary stimulus is not in itself motivating if it is not accompanied by some factors that cover the so-called "psychological needs", namely security, recognition, sense of belonging, being treated with respect and dignity, satisfaction with the objectives met, competence (challenge, opportunity to stand out) and the possibility of developing and growing.

Motivation works miracles, because it obtains the best of each collaborator put at the service of a common goal, which will live as its own. In fact it is since it has contributed to that cause. And that's wonderful. A motivated group goes beyond its strength to achieve a goal.

Whoever is in charge of a team that works like this, quickly recovers his energy invested in them, and who is part of it, finds meaning in his daily work. It is common to see a good process while developing a project, and with the conclusion of this comes the reluctance because the initial challenge that gave meaning to the action has concluded.

Curious, isn't it?
That is why the task of the motivator, among others, is to create new objectives or turn circumstances for which he is not even responsible into challenges.

If we can feel fulfilled while pursuing a destiny and sometimes it decays when we realize it, then... it is the future that keeps us alive today. Going back to Sigmund Freud, there will be life as long as there is desire.

Despite Albert Einstein's revolution in physics, it seems to have failed to replace our Western and fatally Newtonian way of life. Let's incorporate the concept of "relativity" into motivational techniques: nothing is in itself good or bad. It will depend on us whether it is one way or another for our people.

The Orientals invited us to think that crisis is also opportunity, and that nothing has a single meaning. That's the job of a motivator: to show reality and facts in the clothes you want to make it useful to your team.

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There are times when you go through life as a Zombie... without finding an apparent reason to strive or look for that motivation that allows you to break the destructive cycle of believing that it is not worth doing what you do, or looking for new ways to do it, because apparently there is no apparent reward, you keep repeating: "why do I strive if in the end I am not paid enough, so that I give new ideas, if in the end they never take it into account?" ... I think it has happened to all of us, and I confess that it has happened to me very recently.

But when doing a mental exercise of trying to "step aside" from my perception of working life, about "how unfair" it seems to me to try so hard and not receive what "I deserve", I began to remember how good it feels to win a new account, that inner satisfaction that makes you feel that you can get anything, when you close that difficult sale, when after signing that new contract, or receiving that purchase order, that "rush" of adrenaline that awakens your senses, that makes your inner voice repeat to you: "You are able to do anything ...".

Remember that moment... live it every time you feel that work or even personal life becomes monotonous or complicated, when sometimes you walk through life thinking that it is not worth the effort, that nothing will change in your life no matter how hard you try.

Life is too short to waste, you have only limited time to "try" to fulfill your dreams, yes.. in quotes... there's a big chance you can't meet them... no matter how much motivational course or self-help books you read, but that effort, those small battles won on a day-to-day basis are what will make you feel alive in truth, knowing that you did everything possible to achieve what you propose no matter how unattainable it may seem. Total... what's the worst that can happen?.. well... get what you want!

In short, a motivator can make himself and his environment an oasis in the middle of the desert, and that makes him an important reference in the lives of many people. And nothing can destroy the attitude, power, and energy that characterize a handful of incentivized beings. Nothing.

Happy Sales!

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* If you wish you can write to the author of this article at email: [email protected]

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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