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Physical access controls, a trend that is beginning to take hold

altInternational. The practice of installing turnstiles, revolving doors or security locks on different floors of buildings is increasingly occurring, both in buildings occupied by a single owner or with several tenants as a protective measure, not only for employees, but also for sensitive information that can be stored within a building.

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11 in the United States, the perception of security has changed in many countries and the demand for physical security devices in buildings with high human trafficking has skyrocketed.

Boon Edam as a manufacturer of physical access control devices, has identified that the installations of these systems on upper floors are an increasing trend in office buildings, government complexes, among others, in order to make employees and visitors feel "safer".

Thus, in shared buildings for example, "full-height turnstiles, revolving doors or security locks are being installed on the sides of elevators on certain floors, to prevent access by employees or visitors of another tenant," explains Tracie Thomas, Marketing Manager of Boon Edam.

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This measure is particularly important in buildings where confidential and sensitive information is stored, where only a few people with adequate credentials should be able to access.

Thomas also notes that there is "a growing demand for a higher level of security. The trend is to implement solutions that do not sacrifice circulation capacity, safety or comfort", also obtaining an adequate ROI (Return on Investment).

Taking into account that the installation of physical access control on upper floors is a trend that is beginning to prevail, Boon Edam prepares an informative document that will be made public in the coming months, in which it is detailed in depth what are the circumstances that lead the owners and tenants of buildings to install access control systems on upper floors, in addition to what are the appropriate options and configurations for each client according to the type of building and traffic.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

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