Mexico. In the first half of 2024, Jalisco was one of the states with the most highway robberies. According to the AI27 company , AI was key to thwarting a recent burglary attempt involving five people.
The company reported that an operator was driving on his regular route from Toluca to Guadalajara. After passing the Ocotlán booth, he noticed two pickup trucks parked on the side of the road. Seconds later, these cars started following him to block his path. As he moved forward, he was overtaken by one of the trucks in which there were at least five hooded men, while the second vehicle involved accelerated to prevent the passage of the tract from the front.
"Once the vans blocked the road, two of the criminals entered the unit and began to question me in an intimidating manner if I was carrying some kind of custody or if someone was monitoring the trip, to which I replied no, later they forced me to continue driving under his orders", declared the affected operator.
In the first half of this year, Jalisco was the third state where the most robberies of carriers were registered. The entity accumulated 8.6% of the total of these crimes committed in the country, according to figures from AI27, a company that provides security for the transport of cargo through Artificial Intelligence.
Once the transport emergency was triggered in the AI27 Monitoring Center and the status of the unit was raised to burglary in progress, the Reaction Center of the same AI burglary prevention company was contacted. The situation became critical when the criminals began to hit the visible camera inside the mobile unit with the aim of eliminating any evidence of the crime that was being committed. However, they did not anticipate that the unit had the protection of AI27 and thanks to the monitoring team detecting the emergency, the engine stop of the unit was ordered. This action was key for the tract to stop a few meters in front of where the criminals intercepted it.
State authorities and company custody elements were deployed in the area. Noticing that the truck could not continue on its way, they decided to tie up and beat the driver, and then abandon him together with the unit, leaving aside their robbery plans.
"The engine shutdown ordered by the AI27 team was the key action that thwarted the robbery. By stopping the vehicle in a controlled manner, the criminals were prevented from taking the tractor and the load. In addition, the company's ability to send alerts in real time allowed immediate measures to be taken to ensure the integrity of the driver and the vehicle", commented Raúl Betancourt, Director of Data Science at AI27.
El algoritmo de AI27 no solo supervisa en tiempo real el trayecto del vehículo, sino que también es capaz de detectar anomalías como la interferencia en los sistemas de seguridad o el uso de inhibidores de señal, por lo que procura la seguridad del conductor en todo momento.
“Lo que sucedió es un claro ejemplo de que cada día la delincuencia está más organizada para cometer un delito, además tiene muy presente las medidas de seguridad que se toman para proteger al transporte lo que reafirma la necesidad de contar con tecnología avanzada, como el algoritmo de Inteligencia Artificial de AI27, que pueda anticipar y mitigar estos riesgos”, finalizó Raúl Betancourt.
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