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GSX 2024 attendance exceeded organizers' expectations

Asistencia al GSX 2024 superó las expectativas de los organizadores

International. Presented by ASIS International, the Global Security Exchange (GSX) 2024 was attended by around 16,000 visitors from 86 countries along with approximately 500 exhibiting companies demonstrating the latest security solutions.

"GSX 2024 has once again proven to be an invaluable platform for security professionals around the world to connect, collaborate and innovate," said Cy A. Oatridge, CPP, president of ASIS International for 2024. "The diversity of our attendees, representing 86 countries, underscores the truly global nature of our industry and the challenges we face. This event isn't just about showcasing the latest technologies; it is about fostering relationships and sharing knowledge on a global scale. As we navigate a complex security landscape, it is these relationships that will drive innovation, enhance our collective knowledge, and ultimately strengthen our ability to protect and serve. GSX reminds us that, in the field of security, we are really stronger together."

The ASIS community raised over $31,000 for the ASIS Foundation through GSX and pre-event activities such as the Fitness Challenge. These donations support career advancement through certification scholarships, research, grants for members in difficult situations, and more. This year's event also included a blood drive, in which 83 pints of blood were collected, saving up to 249 lives.

"The sheer scope of this year's event, from our thought-provoking keynotes to more than 200 specialist training sessions, demonstrates the dynamic nature of our industry," said Bill Tenney, CEO of ASIS International. "What impressed me most was the vibrant atmosphere of collaboration and shared purpose. GSX 2024 has not only been a showcase of cutting-edge security approaches and solutions, but also a testament to the strength and unity of our professional community. Events of this caliber are vital to propel our profession and industry forward, and equip us to meet future challenges head-on. Looking ahead to GSX 2025 in New Orleans, I'm excited for the opportunity to build on this momentum and further elevate our collective impact on the security landscape."

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GSX 2025 will be held from September 30 to October 1 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The advance selection of booth spaces for GSX 2025 represents 91% of the GSX 2024 exhibition space, organizers indicated.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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