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Access control transformed in Mexican corporate building

Transforman con éxito el control de acceso en edificio corporativo mexicano

Mexico. HID successfully implemented its access control solutions at Corporativo Puerta Polanco, a AAA building located in Mexico City.

The building needed to improve access efficiency to avoid long waiting times in key areas such as elevators, turnstiles, offices and common areas. Thanks to HID's access control solutions, the complex was able to have a fully digital system, which makes it easy for tenants to access different spaces using a single secure credential stored on their phones.

The power of integration
The adopted solution, which combines the HID Origo cloud digital identity and license management platform and HID Mobile Access technology, enables tenants to use
A single virtual credential to access all areas of the building.

The system includes multiCLASS SE readers with Bluetooth installed at all vehicular and pedestrian accesses, ensuring optimal operation of virtual credentials
and provides a more streamlined and secure experience for users.

- Publicidad -

In a first stage, under the direction of IR Systems, a firm that integrates the security systems in the Puerta Polanco Corporation, the virtual credentials hosted in the Puerta Polanco Corporate were integrated.
Origo platform with Johnson Controls' C•CURE 9000 access control software.

Then, this same digital credential system was integrated with the VTS Lane Inc. application, which acts as the building's management platform, managing to establish an entire ecosystem of digital and secure identifications.

"There was a synergy with a lot of communication and participation to develop and solve all the situations that arose along the way. HID played a crucial role, offering
advice and testing throughout the process to ensure that the solution worked as expected," said Alejandro Vázquez, IR's technical support and engineering manager

An innovative and intelligent building
The integration of HID Origo made it possible to streamline all the management processes of the building, including the registration of visitors and the access of tenants both pedestrianly and vehicularly. Thanks to this solution, waiting times were significantly reduced, improving the daily experience of occupants.

Norberto Sánchez Ortiz, architect and administrator of the Puerta Polanco Corporation, said that "nowadays you can leave home and forget your wallet, but never your cell phone. Thanks to the application, the tenant not only carries their virtual card to access the building, but can also book meeting rooms in the Roof Garden, manage the use of the suppliers' area and reserve parking spaces."

The Puerta Polanco Corporate is operated by the Buró Group and currently houses more than 3,200 tenants. With the implementation of these advanced technologies, not only did the
safety and comfort for its tenants, but also took an important step towards sustainability, obtaining LEED Platinum 2021 certification and consolidating itself as a benchmark in smart buildings in the region.

Watch the official video of the success story below:

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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