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Cloud surveillance system installed in Delta Electronics offices


International. This success story shows us how Delta Electronics needed a cloud-based surveillance system to solve the problem of inefficient warehouse management at its headquarters in Japan, which is why they adopted Vivotek's solutions, with its Vortex line.

Identify the challenge
Prior to adopting Vortex, Delta Electronics Japan encountered several operational hurdles.
- Production line efficiency: Delta was struggling with the limitations of traditional production line management and was looking for greater efficiency and flexibility.
- Logistics management: The inefficiency of logistics processes posed challenges that hindered the fluidity of operations and the optimization of resources.
- Disaster response: Rapid assessment of the situation during crises was a daunting task, requiring enhanced disaster preparedness measures.
- Security concerns: Security management, particularly with regard to the area in front of the fire shutters, raised significant concerns and required immediate attention.

Cloud Solution
Vivotek's cloud-based surveillance solution offered Delta Electronics Japan a new management system, helping it overcome challenges and improve operational standards. Delta began its cloud surveillance operation as follows:
- Remote work management: The transition to remote workspace management made it possible to significantly improve efficiency, allowing teams to work smarter and safer.
- Improved productivity: Leveraged Vortex's video surveillance capabilities to visualize work progress, resulting in unprecedented productivity improvements and streamlined operations.
- Quality standardization: We ensure consistent quality across operations through comprehensive video and manual training, fostering a culture of excellence.
- Optimized logistics: Revolutionized logistics management, which minimizes waiting times and maximizes efficiency through real-time monitoring and remote management.

The operational flow created with Vortex solutions includes:
- Accuracy on the production line: Improve daily briefings with archived work sample videos, optimize labor efficiency with AI insights, and ensure safety compliance with real-time monitoring.
- Backyard Shine: Revolutionized logistics management, stayed ahead of issues with real-time video checks, improved inventory management, and bolstered disaster preparedness.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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