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Inauguration of the award-winning C4 in the Mexican municipality of Chimalhuacán

Inauguran C4 en Chimalhuacán: tecnología de punta para la seguridad ciudadana

Mexico. The authorities have assured that the commissioning of the new Control, Command, Communication and Computing Center (C4) of Chimalhuacán has been a milestone that marks a before and after in the public security of the municipality.

Chimalhuacán, located in the east of the Valley of Mexico, has faced serious security challenges. According to data from the Crime Stoplight of the State of Mexico, the municipality has led the incidence of high-impact crimes, including kidnappings, homicides, femicides, and extortion. During the month of March 2023, 12 homicides, 158 injury crimes, 91 business robberies, and 157 stolen vehicles were reported, underscoring a troubling trend of violence and criminality.

In addition, the increase in violence against women has been alarming, with 12 rapes and 113 complaints of family violence in the same period. Data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System corroborate this situation, pointing to 39 homicides in the first quarter of the year, with an average of two murders per day.

With a C2 Command and Control Center that had already become obsolete in the face of population growth and the growing demand for security, the need for an upgrade was evident. The municipal president, Xóchitl Flores Jiménez, stressed the importance of modernizing the security infrastructure to effectively confront crime.

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Construction of the C4
In response to the security crisis, construction of the new C4 in Chimalhuacán began with an investment of 185 million pesos. This investment not only seeks to modernize the facilities, but also to provide authorities with advanced technological tools to improve surveillance and emergency response.

The construction of the C4, which began on August 15, 2023, covers a two-story building on a 1,563-square-meter site. The ground floor houses the Specialized Unit for the Care of Victims of Domestic and Gender Violence, a Search Cell, and other support areas such as the Division of Analysis and Context, Crime Prevention, as well as spaces for individual and group therapy. On the upper floor are the facilities of the new C4, along with service spaces, administrative control and meeting areas.

The new C4 is equipped with 1,185 video cameras installed on 237 Smart Monitoring poles. These posts are not only equipped with high-definition cameras, but also with panic buttons and seismic alerts, providing extensive coverage and rapid response capacity to any emergency situation. In addition, 240 additional cameras and 300 radios have been incorporated into public security vehicles, reinforcing communication and coordination during operations.

Inauguration and recognitions
The inauguration ceremony was led by the Governor of the State of Mexico, Delfina Gómez, and the municipal president Xóchitl Flores Jiménez, accompanied by an outstanding representation of local, state and federal authorities.

The officials highlighted not only the importance of the new infrastructure, but also the impact it will have on the security of the municipality. Mayor Xóchitl Flores Jiménez emphasized that the C4 is a symbol of her administration's commitment to the protection and well-being of citizens. For her part, Governor Delfina Gómez stressed that the new center is a sign of the joint effort to reduce crime and improve emergency response.

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Jorge Morera Angulo, CEO of Jomtel Telecomunicaciones S.A. de C.V., the company in charge of executing the project, stressed that the C4 is unique in its kind, with advanced surveillance and analysis capabilities. This system will allow the identification of faces and vehicle license plates, increasing the chances of success in the pursuit and arrest of criminals.

In addition, the project has been recognized with the award of the Latin American Security Association (ALAS), positioning itself as the winner of the Public Project category, among more than 300 applications.

Expected impact
The new C4 of Chimalhuacán represents a significant advance in the security infrastructure of the municipality. Implementing state-of-the-art technology and expanding surveillance and response capabilities will not only improve public safety, but also provide a role model for other regions. With the aim of reducing crime and providing better care to victims of violence, the C4 is established as a key component in Chimalhuacán's security strategy.

The combination of advanced technology, modern infrastructure, and a focus on crime prevention and victim care promises to transform the security landscape in the municipality and contribute significantly to the well-being of its inhabitants.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

One thought on “Inauguration of the award-winning C4 in the Mexican municipality of Chimalhuacán”

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  1. Ramiro Martinez
    Sunday, 08 September 2024 20:04
    Saludos ALVARO
    Como Director Ejecutivo del Consejo de Seguridad Ciudadana del Municipio de Daule (Provincia del Guayas) en Ecuador, me interesa conocer más detalles, ya que estamos planificando construir una nueva central de monitoreo y queremos hacerlo con todos los avances tecnológicos

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