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The UN will institutionalize the International Day for Fire Prevention

La ONU institucionalizará el Día Internacional de la Prevención de Incendios

International. At the initiative of Mexico, on October 8, 2025, the International Day for Fire Prevention will begin to be celebrated around the world, by decision of the United Nations.

This was announced at the opening of the seventh edition of the Fire Protection & International Expo 2024. In the event that brings together more than 4000 attendees in 2 days, in an exhibition of 8 thousand square meters, with more than 250 participating stands from 15 countries, a collaboration agreement was also signed to share experiences and information that contribute to the prevention and reduction of risks in firefighting. by the National Council for Fire Protection (CONAPCI), the Mexican Association of Automatic Fire Sprinklers (AMRACI) and the College of Architects of Mexico City.

In it, its presidents Juan José Camacho Gómez, Francisco Guzmán Hernández and Rodolfo Sánchez Zaragoza, respectively, expressed the decision to collaborate and participate jointly in the updating and training of standards, regulations and new technologies in firefighting.

The Public Education Program called "Learn to Stay Safe" was also launched, in collaboration with various fire departments, associations and chambers of industry, to standardize education at the national level for preschool and primary school children in order to build resilient generations and with a culture of prevention.

- Publicidad -

CONAPCI and AMRACI, granted a donation of 100 thousand pesos to the president of the Michou & Mau Foundation for the care of burned children, Virginia Sendel Iturbide, who presented one of the trucks that she has in 9 states of the Republic, in which children are taught to prevent all kinds of accidents related to fire in their homes. schools and meeting centers.

Also at the opening ceremony, tribute was paid to the firefighters of Mexico, with the presentation of awards to the Mexican Association of Fire Chiefs and the chiefs of this sector in Guadalajara-Zapopan in the state of Jalisco and those of the state of Nuevo León.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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