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Dahua Technology Mexico and PCH Connect seal alliance

Dahua Technology México y PCH Connect sellan alianza

Mexico. Dahua Technology reported its partnership with PCH Connect to expand the scope in the commercialization of video surveillance, security and connectivity solutions in the Mexican territory.

Ericka Verdin, New Business Channel Manager Dahua Mexico, explains that through the extensive network of distributors that work with PCH in the IT segment, more momentum will be given to the new Dahua product lines, ensuring that technological innovation reaches more companies throughout the country.

For her part, Monserrat Baltazar Camacho, Commercial Director at PCH Connect, commented that this new alliance is aligned with its commitment as a wholesaler to offer innovative solutions that allow distributors to reach their full potential. "The addition of switches, routers and WiFi cameras to our catalog expands the offer of high-quality and high-performance products, providing our customers with the connectivity and security solutions they need to boost their business," he said.

The new Dahua products available at PCH Connect are ideal for businesses, households and key sectors such as retail security and banking, which are looking for reliable and state-of-the-art solutions. And they are characterized by superior performance and intelligent features, including:

  • Advanced network management: For total control over connectivity.
  • Blind Spot Coverage: For a reliable signal in every space
  • VPN encryption: For robust security and data protection.
- Publicidad -

"Dahua's quality and reliability are recognized globally, we are confident that these products will transform the way companies connect and protect their businesses, taking them to the next level of security and control," added Monserrat Baltazar.

"The collaboration with PCH will strengthen our sales channel by providing additional support to our business partners. Through joint training and support programs, we will ensure that our partners are fully equipped to offer and support the new solutions, thus facilitating faster and more effective adoption in the market," explained Ericka Verdin, New Business Channel Manager Dahua Mexico.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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