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Panduit Celebrates 35 Years of Operations in Latin America

Panduit celebra 35 Años de presencia en Latinoamérica

Latin America. The Panduit company is projected to double its growth in the next 6 years, aiming for a 100% increase by 2029.

"Panduit is the leading company in infrastructure solutions in Latin America, and this achievement has not been fortuitous, since, for 35 years, we have worked tirelessly to design innovative solutions that not only meet the needs of the region, but also adapt to constant technological transformations. We were born out of innovation, and through it we have earned and maintained the trust of our customers and strategic partners. We will continue to invest and bet on the region," said Carlos Arochi, Panduit's director in Latin America.

According to Arochi, the Latin American market is dynamic and always seeks to be at the forefront, adopting new technologies quickly and effectively. With a GDP of $5.2 trillion and annual growth of 4.7%, the region represents a critical stronghold for Panduit's customers and for the company itself, including transnational corporations that rely on local manufacturing.

"At Panduit, we develop solutions that are the backbone of the companies' operations, supporting 100% of their activity. These solutions are responsible for 80% of reliability, as the physical infrastructure, both electrical and connectivity, is crucial to their operation. However, these solutions represent only 7% of the total investment, which underlines their efficiency and strategic value," commented Arochi.

- Publicidad -

35 years of experience
The global company, which began its operations with the launch and invention of the "Pan-duct" or duct for cabling in 1955, has consolidated its presence in the Latin American market with more than 3 thousand international patents and innovative technological solutions for connectivity, electrical, industrial, data centers and Audio and video, which has allowed it to reach first place in market share in much of Latin America; in Mexico, Panduit has more than 50% of the market share.

To supply the needs of the market, the company has three large manufacturing plants, two of them located in Mexico and Costa Rica. This demonstrates its ability to lead in innovation and adapt to changing market demands, as the solutions manufactured in these plants supply the markets of North America, Latin America, Asia and Europe.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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