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XProtect 2024 R1, the new update from Milestone Systems

XProtect 2024 R1, la nueva actualización de Milestone Systems

International. According to Milestone Systems, the new update focuses on strengthening cybersecurity, optimizing VMS operations, and offering new customization features to respond to customer needs.

XProtect 2024 R1 introduces new features designed to improve cybersecurity and ensure compliance with industry regulations. XProtect's Update Manager tool makes it easy to deploy hotfixes to multiple servers from a central location. This unified approach not only helps protect VMS systems, it also reduces operational costs.

In addition, the Care Reminder notification feature in the Management Client alerts administrators when their Milestone Support Program (Care) subscription is about to expire, allowing them to renew it in advance to ensure support continues uninterrupted.

Customization Options
XProtect 2024 R1 offers significant improvements in operational efficiency and customization possibilities. XProtect Hospital Assist's new Multiroom Audio feature allows medical staff to monitor multiple patient rooms at the same time. The combination of real-time video and audio provides a comprehensive view of patient status, which not only improves the operational efficiency of staff, but also allows them to respond in a timely manner to any critical situation that requires their attention.

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On the other hand, thanks to the new Combined Media Player Format feature in XProtect Smart Client, video sharing is now easier, allowing users to export multiple streams in a single file, streamlining investigations and collaboration between teams.

As for XProtect Rapid REVIEW, the 2024 M1 update introduces streamlined user role management, ensuring that each person has the appropriate access rights without compromising security. In addition, this release includes the innovative Fast Track feature, which allows researchers to quickly locate objects in adjacent cameras, using the geolocation settings in XProtect.

XProtect Rapid REVIEW M1 also incorporates several improvements to the user experience, such as the option to search for cameras using tags, making the interface more intuitive for users.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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