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Axis Communications Appoints New Sales Manager for the Caribbean

Axis Communications nombra nueva Gerente de Ventas para el Caribe

International. Axis Communications announced Jeaneth Mora as Sales Manager for the Caribbean. According to the company, the new executive has extensive knowledge of the market and a track record of success in business development and management throughout this region.

After his incorporation, part of his objectives as leader of the Axis Communications team in that region are to promote and increase the presence of the brand, strengthen the relationship with partners, end users and potential Caribbean customers and continue to position the Swedish company as a leader in the Caribbean.

Regarding the appointment, Leopoldo Ruiz, regional director for Latin America, commented that "the Caribbean is a unique and very special area to do business. We have growing sectors such as hotels, tourism, logistics, among others that represent unique opportunities to continue offering technological solutions that meet the specific needs of these sectors and more. Therefore, Jeaneth Mora's experience and professionalism will allow us to continue expanding the business plan in this region and thus continue to position ourselves as leaders in the sector in Latin America and globally. I wish him every success in this new stage of his professional career."

With approximately 8 years of experience in the sector, Jeaneth Mora joined Axis Communications and commented that "I am extremely happy with the opportunity to take on this important challenge. My goal is to increase and strengthen long-term relationships with Caribbean business partners, distributors, integrators and end users, and take Axis to the next level," said Mora.

- Publicidad -

According to the new Sales Manager for the Caribbean, Axis' plan is to strengthen the company's businesses and strategic relationships in the region, by generating demand for technological solutions in priority sectors, such as: critical infrastructure, energy, finance, hospitals, smart cities and data centers.

About Jeaneth Mora
Jeaneth Mora has a degree in Special Education, however, her experience in sales made her climb in the technology industry. Prior to joining Axis Communications, he gained extensive experience at Anixter where he held sales and distribution roles for security solutions in the Caribbean region.

In addition to her professional dedication, Jeaneth Mora is an enthusiast of the development of interpersonal relationships, which is why she seeks to establish a closeness with her clients to provide personalized and quality attention for clients and partners, which allows her to establish businesses based on trust and transparency. In addition, she is an avid person for reading and, in her free time, she ventures as an author and book writer.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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