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The security industry actively participated in IntegraTEC Mexico

IntegraTEC México 2024: un vistazo al futuro de las tecnologías de integración

Mexico. The World Trade Center in Mexico City became the epicenter of technological innovation on August 14 and 15, when IntegraTEC was held, the only event in Latin America that brings together integrators of AV, datacomm, broadcast, security and lighting technologies.

With the participation of more than 1,500 visitors and the presence of more than 50 brands, the fair has established itself as a key meeting point for professionals and companies in the sector.

During the opening of the fair, Verónica Marín, Project Manager of IntegraTEC, highlighted: "We are the only expo supported by three prestigious magazines: AVI Latin America, TV and Video + Radio, and Security Sales. With more than a decade of experience, we are the leading event for integrators and professionals, and we were the first to envision the opportunity to create a space to bring together emerging industries, enabling successful projects of any scale."

- Publicidad -

IntegraTEC not only showcased cutting-edge technology, but also offered a space to explore the challenges and opportunities of the industry. Over two days, the conferences addressed a variety of key topics, including Artificial Intelligence in the broadcast industry, automation in buildings and real estate developments, and the technological needs of customers in integration projects, among others.

By breaking down the barriers between these fields, integrators now have more tools to offer complete solutions to their customers. The quality and relevance of the topics discussed generated great interest among the attendees, who appreciated the depth and applicability of the presentations.

The show served as a showcase for the latest advances in AV, datacomm, security, lighting and broadcast technologies. Leading companies in the sector presented their latest developments, from high-speed connectivity solutions to intelligent security systems, energy-efficient lighting technologies and state-of-the-art broadcast platforms. Attendees had the opportunity to interact directly with products and services, gaining a deeper understanding of how these technologies can be integrated into their own projects.

One of the highlights of IntegraTEC 2024 was the creation of new strategic alliances between integration companies. As companies recognize the importance of offering more complete and robust solutions, many saw the need to collaborate and form alliances with other companies, thus enhancing their ability to face market challenges and respond more effectively to the demands of their customers.

In addition, Verónica Zorrilla, a recurring visitor to IntegraTEC, shared her experience: "I love coming to IntegraTEC, every year I find more things. I like that so much attention is being paid to technology in Mexico. I like to connect with current suppliers and discover all the new products on the market."

- Publicidad -

During the event, the CALA Awards ceremony was held, which recognizes the best AV project in Latin America, sponsored by AVI Latin America magazine. The company Integración AV received the award for its outstanding work in the renovated medical simulation center of the Javeriana University. The awards were decided by a public vote, after a jury of experts selected the finalists.

IntegraTEC Mexico 2024 not only stood out for its high attendance and exhibition, but also fulfilled its role as a catalyst for innovation in the industry. Focused on the integration of solutions that transform everyday life and business, the event demonstrated that the future of technology in Latin America is promising and full of opportunities.

The next edition of IntegraTEC is already shaping up to be an even bigger and more ambitious event, consolidating itself as the main point of reference for technology professionals in the region.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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