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Colombia moves towards the creation of its Fire Protection Code

Colombia avanza hacia la creación de su Código de Protección Contra el Fuego

Colombia. The Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification (Icontec, for its acronym in Spanish) has taken a significant step towards the creation of a Fire Protection Code in Colombia.

Through the formation of a temporary committee, the development of preliminary drafts of standards and technical guides has begun that seek to establish unified criteria adapted to the needs of the country and its productive sectors.

"By considering the needs of the country and the different productive sectors, the pre-feasibility study for the construction of the normative documents that make up the fire protection code begins, As a result of this study, Icontec created the temporary committee CTN T-623 Fire Protection Code, and began with the identification of reference documents for the construction of the preliminary drafts of the required Colombian standards and technical guides," the entity pointed out.

Icontec currently has four preliminary projects that are under review to ensure that the technical content and form respond to the rules of structure and drafting of national regulatory documents. Once this stage is completed, its study will begin.

- Publicidad -

For the development of the preliminary projects, Icontec has received support from Anraci, a union that is a member of the temporary committee. As a working group, Anraci has offered its knowledge and experience for the review of the national regulatory base on fire and related issues, the review of international documents, the construction of preliminary projects and the identification of interested parties, which has made it possible to advance and have the preliminary projects that will be submitted to the consideration of the experts that make up the technical standardization committee 15 days before the meeting of said committee.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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