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Suprema launches open cloud integration platform for enterprises

Suprema lanza una plataforma de integración de Nube abierta para empresas

International. Suprema has announced the official launch of CLUe, an open cloud integration platform designed to facilitate and secure access control.

Suprema CLUe is built on a cloud-native architecture, allowing devices to connect directly to the cloud via standard REST APIs. This eliminates the need to adopt an on-premises server, significantly simplifying integration and reducing costs.

With CLUe, enterprises can easily and cost-effectively adopt Suprema's AI-powered advanced biometric access control devices, which support a wide range of multi-credential methods, including facial authentication, fingerprint recognition, dynamic/static QR codes, and RFID cards. This ensures a high level of safety and comfort for the user, allowing users to choose the most convenient and safe method.

CLUe is ideal for customers who need access control, visitor management, membership management, and multi-location management. Especially, CLUe stands out for its multi-location management capabilities through a web portal and mobile app. Administrators can effortlessly manage access control for multiple locations, anytime, anywhere, ensuring convenience and operational efficiency.

- Publicidad -

CLUe was first introduced in the Korean and Japanese markets in 2023, proving its reliability and effectiveness with successful implementations in various areas, such as gyms, golf facilities with screens, and shared offices in these regions. CLUe is now available to customers worldwide. Suprema, a provider of security solutions, is certified with CSA STAR Level 2 for Cloud security, along with ISO 27001 and ISO 27701, ensuring the highest standards in data protection and security.

"With the launch of CLUe, our first cloud-based platform, we reinforce our commitment to delivering integrated total security solutions around the world," said Suprema Inc. CEO Hanchul Kim. "CLUe offers a scalable, secure and easy-to-use access control platform based on cloud technology that will meet the needs of enterprises globally."

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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