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Bolide unveils its new 5 MP motorized varifocal dome camera with AI

Bolide presenta su nueva cámara domo varifocal motorizada de 5 MP con IA

International. The company Bolide has just presented its new state-of-the-art IP camera designed for outdoors, which is equipped with 15 advanced analyses executed at the edge.

In this regard, the manufacturer specified that these solutions are "designed to avoid the use of additional servers, since the processing is executed directly in the camera."

Integrated Edge Analysis

  • Motion Detection: Detects and records any movement within the camera's field of view.
  • Facial recognition: Identifies people using advanced facial recognition technology.
  • License plate recognition: automatically reads and registers license plates, improving vehicle surveillance and security.
  • People count: Counts the number of people entering and exiting an area.
  • Intrusion detection: alerts you to any unauthorized entry into restricted areas.
  • Marauder Detection: Detects people staying in an area for an unusual period of time.
  • Line Crossing Detection: Notifies when someone crosses a predefined virtual line.
  • Tamper detection: Detects any attempt to cover or move the camera.
  • Object Removed Detection: Identifies if an object is removed from a designated area.
  • Abandoned object detection: Detects and alerts when objects are left unattended.
  • Crowd density detection: Analyzes and reports on crowd density and potential overcrowding.
  • Heat Map: Visualize areas of high and low activity within the camera view.
  • Sound detection: Monitors and detects unusual sounds or loud noises.
  • Fire and smoke detection, detects signs for early action and prevention.
  • Behavior analysis: Recognizes suspicious or abnormal patterns of behavior.

Analytics Features
The manufacturer highlighted aspects such as real-time processing, with instant alerts without relying on external servers or cloud processing, and reduced bandwidth usage that minimizes the need for constant data transmission, by processing it locally.

- Publicidad -

Similarly, Bolide indicated that this solution reduces operating costs by minimizing the need for an extensive network infrastructure and cloud storage, while allowing high scalability translated into an easy deployment of additional cameras without the need for significant network upgrades or server expansions.

In terms of privacy and security, the new camera keeps sensitive data safe by processing it locally, reducing the risk of data breaches.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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