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Case study: Paraguayan club optimizes security with Genetec unified platform

Caso de éxito: club paraguayo optimiza su seguridad con plataforma unificada de Genetec

Paraguay. The implementation of the Genetec Security Center solution at the Paraná Country Club has significantly improved the security and operational efficiency of its facilities.

Genetec described how the implementation of the unified security platform, Genetec Security Center, has enabled more effective monitoring and more efficient management of the security of the Paraná Country Club (PCC), one of the most prestigious private housing developments in Paraguay.

Located 30 minutes from Ciudad del Este, the PCC is on the triple border of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina, a tourist area par excellence with a lot of attendance. Due to this geographical context, the main challenge of the Paraná Country Club was to implement an efficient security system that would allow it to guarantee the tranquility and integrity of its inhabitants and visitors.

Thanks to the implementation of Security Center, the Paraná Country Club obtained a complete view to monitor all its activities and events, facilitating an immediate and coordinated response to any incident. The platform unifies the Omnicast video surveillance system, the Synergis access control system and the Autovu license plate recognition system into a single interface. This unification allows the PCC to have a real-time visualization of the 450 hectares they have, protect their perimeter and manage more than 3,000 visitors a day between suppliers, workers and visits to the more than a thousand families that reside on the property.

- Publicidad -

Carlos Villalba, Manager of Protek, a leading security systems integration company in Paraguay and who installed and has provided its services to the Paraná Country Club for the last 10 years, highlighted: "We evaluated several solutions and opted for Genetec with its Security Center platform, because it was a unified platform that was going to make configurations much easier for the operators who were going to be managing the system."

Ramona Ortiz, Coordinator of the Operations Center of the Paraná Country Club, commented: "Safety is fundamental for us. With Security Center, we can monitor all areas of the club, manage access, and respond quickly to any situation, giving us great peace of mind. In addition, the platform's ease of use allows our team to adapt quickly and operate the system efficiently, maximizing our ability to maintain a safe and secure environment."

"We are proud of the work carried out together between Genetec and Protek at the Paraná Country Club. Our technology has proven to be a vital tool in ensuring the safety and operational efficiency of this exclusive club. The success of this implementation reaffirms our commitment to innovation and to providing high-quality security solutions that truly make a difference for our customers," said Cristián Barraza, Sales Director for South America, Panama and Costa Rica at Genetec Inc.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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