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Consolidating its presence in Latin America: Traka's goal in 2024

Consolidar su presencia en Latinoamérica: la meta de Traka en 2024

In today's business world, efficient access and asset management is crucial for security and productivity. Traka responds to that need with its lines of key management solutions and smart locker systems.

by Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda

In the last two years, Traka has experienced significant growth in the Latin American market. According to the company, this has been possible thanks to a comprehensive commercial approach, based on providing the best solution to its customers, in addition to direct contact with end users, integrators and distributors, to "make the support of a global brand with a local presence felt".

Now, the manufacturer has defined three strategic axes to be developed during 2024. The first is the consolidation of its geographical reach in Latin America and the Caribbean, through articulated work with the channel and marketing, as well as customer service and generation.

- Publicidad -

Second, Traka is working under a marketing strategy that supports marketing, both online and at direct events. Finally, the company is increasing its levels of collaboration with access control factories in order to provide better solutions to their mutual customers.

Touch Pro and MXi
Similarly, Traka began the year by carrying out actions to consolidate its product portfolio and recently launched Traka Touch Pro, a cabinet with mechanical and sustainability improvements for key control, with high security and performance integrations.

"Our line of smart lockers now has more functionalities that adapt to shared work environments and management of audited equipment that support your organization's processes," says Diego Cota, Regional Sales Manager for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Cota also details that the company is about to launch the MXi line of key control, specially designed to offer a practical, scalable and volume-oriented key management tool.

"MXi has some differences with Traka Touch Pro, as it allows a cabinet to be its own server and also allows key management in the cloud, through the TrakaGO application. MXi is a solution for the commercial and small business segment, as well as logistics and fleet control applications. A great advantage of MXi is the use of the same iFob as the Traka Touch Pro line, adding safety and versatility."

With the same MXi architecture, the HC (High Capacity) line enables massive key monitoring for the real estate and property management market. This line makes it possible to replace the manual management of keys in buildings, condominiums, preserves and any property that requires audits and control in real time.

Finally, the manufacturer makes Traka21 available to the market, an easy-to-install 21-key cabinet with total audit and control, intended for standalone applications.

Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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