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Chain of supermarkets unifies security systems and improves its operation

Cadena de tiendas

Latin America. The implementation of a single integration platform has made it possible to automate processes in dozens of supermarkets located in Chile and Peru, which has boosted the growth of the business.

This is Tottus, a well-known chain made up of about 140 supermarkets, which belongs to the Falabella Group. Within this economic group, Tottus is the chain that processes the most sales transactions, close to 6 million in stores in Chile.

Background and technical challenge
Until 2017, Tottus worked with different video surveillance, access control and intrusion platforms to ensure security within its stores. This diversity of platforms led to many delays in incident response.

To improve the situation, the company began looking for a platform that would unify the operation of its various systems, be flexible, support hardware from different manufacturers, and be scalable to support its aggressive growth plans.

- Publicidad -

This new system had to not only unify all security platforms, but also comply with the high cybersecurity standards required by the company.

Developed Solution
The response to the organization's need was achieved through the implementation of the Genetec Security Center platform, as the articulator of the Omnicast, AutoVu and Synergis systems. In this way, the following actions were carried out:

  • Integration of other security systems such as fire and intrusion detection, centralizing all alarms in a single interface.
  • Increased performance to ensure operation, as all systems were installed on Streamvault servers. As a result, a large bandwidth is currently managed with around 6.500 cameras.
  • Early anticipation of theft, through the use of Kiwi Vision video analytics on perimeters and license plate recognition with Autovu.

"What we do is deliver statistics to the operation so that they know in which store, for some reason, they have problems, whether operational or commercial proposal. That is the greatest added value of Genetec, which started with security, but today it is opening up to this commercial world", said Darío Quintanilla, manager of Loss Prevention and Security at Tottus.

Reported Results
According to the company, the direct result of the intervention was the improvement of security inside the stores, since it was possible to increase the number of cameras installed in each store by 2 to 3 times and reduce the response time to incidents by 90%.

Likewise, the resolution of the video and the possibility of gathering evidence offered by the platform have made it possible to share key information with the police to generate convictions.

Finally, Tottus has managed to capitalize on the information obtained through the Genetec Security Center to improve its operations and obtain business intelligence, with a direct impact on increasing sales.


Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Author: Álvaro León Pérez Sepúlveda
Editor - Latin Press, Inc.
Comunicador Social Periodista egresado de la Universidad de Antioquia, con más de 14 años de experiencia en medios periodísticos y proyectos de comunicación digital. [email protected]

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