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Hikvision opened its new office in Guatemala

Hikvision oficina Guatemala

Guatemala. Hikvision Latin America inaugurated, in the company of wholesale clients, integrators, strategic allies and its staff, its new office in Guatemala City. A space in which, in addition, they have a Show Room.

The day of the meeting was last February 17, date in which the guests could enjoy a walk through the facilities in a private meeting, space where "they could know the latest trends in technological equipment of security and protection, and participate in small exhibitions in which innovative products and solutions were presented".


Hikvision Oficina Guatemala

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According to the company, "the main objective of this new space is to provide better service to its customers and improve the experience in the service, thanks to its modern Show Room that allows to see live the equipment and solutions offered by the company".

Precisely, during the inauguration customers could see first-hand the latest security solutions of the brand, including high-resolution video surveillance systems, facial recognition systems and artificial intelligence solutions.

Carlos Song, Country Manager of CA4, commented: "these offices are a reflection of our commitment to our customers in Guatemala and the region, with this new facility, we will be able to provide you with a better service and provide you with the technology and innovative solutions you need to keep your businesses and homes safe, we are very happy to be able to share this moment with everyone who is with us today."

Hikvision Show Room Guatemala

In an exclusive interview with our magazine, Héctor Morales, Marketing Analyst for CA4 (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua) from Hikvisión, he told us about the purpose of the new facilities and the challenges that the brand has in Guatemala.

VDS: What is the purpose of this new office?
Hector Morales: 
The main objective of this new space is to provide better service to its customers and improve the experience in the service, thanks to its modern Show Room that allows you to see live the equipment and solutions offered by the company.

VDS. What are the challenges that the brand has in Guatemala and how do you project this 2023 in that country?
Hector Morales: In Guatemala, Hikvision faces several challenges in achieving its goal of providing security to people. One of the main ones is to combat insecurity and increase people's confidence in technological security solutions. It's also important to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and how it can support users.

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To meet these challenges, Hikvision has been working on creating safe cities and hopes to replicate the success in many more municipalities in the shortest possible time. In addition, the brand intends to show that it is not only about security cameras, but also offers comprehensive solutions such as alarms, access controls and intercoms, among others.

Héctor Morales

In the year 2023, Hikvision aims to help rescue the idea of a safe country in Guatemala and support the security of homes, offices and factories, promoting cutting-edge technological solutions. The brand also intends to be at the forefront of future trends and be prepared to provide the best solutions to customers.

In short, Hikvision is committed to working on creating a safer environment in Guatemala, providing comprehensive and cutting-edge technological solutions to ensure the safety of people and businesses. The brand will strive to overcome existing challenges and promote awareness about the importance of safety in the country.

How to visit the Guatemala Show Room
In case you want to visit these new facilities and receive advice from Hikvision you must write previously to the email [email protected], with whom you can schedule the appointment.

Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Author: Iris Montoya Ricaurte
Periodista con amplia experiencia en corrección de estilo y generación de contenidos de valor para el sector especializado - [email protected]

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