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5G and private networks: the new paradigm for private security companies


Technology opens up new possibilities that will allow us to improve our operation and meet new service scenarios with guarantees.

by Alai Secure

5G technology in Spain began its commercial deployment in 2020, but it has not been until this year when users have been able to start enjoying in first person the real 5G and its ultra-high speed greater than 1 Gbps.

The official 5G coverage in the country, according to Mobile Network Operators, is over 80%, although there is still much to be done to enjoy 5G SA technology -standalone-. 5G technology brings new capabilities: higher bandwidth, lower latency, high density of connected devices, virtualization of network infrastructures, etc. But where does the real 5G differential lie?

Private 5G networks
5G technology will revolutionize telecommunications in two fundamental areas: radio access, which will cause huge improvements in the speed, latency and consumption of IoT devices, and Network Slicing that will allow multiple independent logical networks to be created on a single physical infrastructure.

The latter will allow the creation of networks tailored to its users, micro-network segments designed for specific applications, ad-hoc networks for special situations such as disasters or major events... The possibilities are virtually endless.

Álvaro García, Commercial Director of Alai Secure, highlights that "the arrival of 5G is a revolution that will allow us to design, create and customize our own segments of Telco networks tailored to companies, large corporations, public institutions and for the world of industry itself. The first international initiatives of private networks for emergency services and security forces and bodies, for the attention of mass events, etc ... The collaboration of public-private security is key in this sense to begin to define the bases of what will be the new private 5G networks".

This will mean a paradigm shift, especially for those companies or institutions that offer service in critical environments – police, security guards, emergency services, etc.

"For example, think of a music festival, a concert or a football game where large numbers of people gather. During the show attendees are constantly making calls, sending photos and videos of the performance, messages, etc. In many cases we find that the signal is very poor due to the high number of devices connected to the same radio antenna, "says Álvaro.

But "what happens when there is an accident in the same enclosure? Security teams encounter many problems communicating with each other easily due to network saturation. Here it begins to make sense to have our own private 5G network. This will allow us to prioritize safety and emergency communications over the rest, or that our own security and emergency personnel can send video and audio signal in high definition and in real time of what is happening to the control and emergency center so that they can size the scope of the accident and act accordingly, "" says the manager.

Technology opens up a huge range of new possibilities that will allow us to improve our operation and meet new service scenarios with guarantees. For this it is necessary, now more than ever, to have a Telco partner that knows the technology available at all times -GSM, 5G, LoRa, NB IoT, Cloud, satellite IoT,...- and works closely with us and helps us from the definition of the service to its deployment and operation.

Alai Secure is a multi-technology operator that has a geo-redundant infrastructure. Its Multi-coverage Global SIM has been designed to ensure M2M/IoT communications in the age of connectivity.

"We provide high availability and continuity of service to our customers. We made a strong investment in R+D to incorporate all available M2M/IoT technologies and meet any service scenario thanks to our own cutting-edge technology", concludes Álvaro.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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