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viisights collaborates with Guardsman Group for expansion in the Caribbean


The Caribbean. viisights, a specialist in behavioral recognition video analytics, announced that it has been collaborating with Guardsman Group, a security services company for homes and businesses, to provide AI-powered behavioral recognition video analytics to greatly improve time event recognition and automated reporting in Jamaica and throughout the Caribbean.

"We are excited to collaborate with a leader in security services in the Caribbean region and implement our proven and highly effective behavioral recognition video analytics solutions to help improve safety and security," said Asaf Birenzvieg, CEO of viisights. "The continued growth and development in the region highlights the need for safe and secure work and living environments. Now is the right time to implement advanced preventative solutions for physical security and security that will detect suspicious behavior in real time and trigger an immediate appropriate response."

The Guardsman Group has more than 40 years of experience and is made up of 13 companies with more than seven thousand employees in the region. The partnership will enable Guardsman's companies to incorporate viisights analytics into their offerings, including advanced weapons detection, violence detection, threat detection, loitering detection, and personal and environmental safety monitoring. Guardsman's companies plan to offer enhanced services to current commercial and residential customers, as well as expand into new markets, including ports, hospitals, and banks, among others.

viisights' video understanding technology uses deep neural networks to analyze video footage from existing video camera systems to automatically detect the development of security risks and generate near real-time alarms. Early notification of imminent, real-time behavioral events of interest allows responders to take faster action, effectively reducing or eliminating the negative outcomes of potentially harmful or threatening events.

- Publicidad -

viisights' intelligent behavior recognition video understanding technology is currently deployed in critical applications around the world to help create safer and smarter cities, businesses, campuses, banks, financial institutions, critical infrastructure, transportation hubs, manufacturing facilities, and other virtual and public areas.

viisights intelligent analytics can be deployed on-premises or remotely as a service (SaaS) with general availability planned for 2023. viisights is currently beta testing intelligent SaaS services with select customers.

Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Author: Duván Chaverra Agudelo
Jefe Editorial en Latin Press, Inc,.
Comunicador Social y Periodista con experiencia de más de 16 años en medios de comunicación. Apasionado por la tecnología y por esta industria. [email protected]

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