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Video surveillance: present in more than 10 thousand OXXO stores

altFollowing the implementation of the Pelco by Schneider Electric Video Surveillance System, OXXO stores have significantly reduced the levels of criminal incidence in their establishments.

by Santiago Jaramillo Hincapié

The opening of one or more branches of a company is always good news however, whether it is new offices, commercial establishments or an additional production plant, it is also true that expansion represents great challenges.

When talking about convenience stores, it is essential to observe and monitor permanently what happens in each branch because unfortunately they are constantly exposed to ant theft, vandalism and assault, such is the case of the OXXO chain of stores.

- Publicidad -

In recent years, OXXO has become the most successful convenience store and coverage in the Mexican Republic. The rapid increase in its sales has been driven, in large part, by the vertiginous increase in the number of stores, the consolidation of its traditional products and the addition of cash services.

During 2011 alone, 1,135 new stores were opened, equivalent to the opening of three stores per day. In fact, at the end of the second quarter of 2012, 428 stores of the 1,026 planned for this year have been opened, thus exceeding 10,000 branches.

With such a large number of branches and the security risks involved in operating around the clock, both for customers and operators, OXXO has seen the need to implement a high-performance video surveillance system in each branch with the aim of recording on video all activities, controlling the performance of its employees, maintain a higher level of security and, ultimately, offer better attention to the public.

After a thorough study of quality, performance and functionality, OXXO opted for Pelco by Schneider Electric video surveillance technologies as its best option to face the growing security challenges not only for existing branches but also for the opening of future establishments of the same convenience store chains.

For this project, Schneider Electric, through its team of specialists in integral security, carefully analyzed the needs of the client by launching a study of people flow, lighting and distribution of the stores.

Subsequently, based on the results obtained, it was decided to develop a customized safety package for OXXO composed of pelco by Schneider Electric brand products with live observation, playback and video recording functions with remote access to the system.

This package is delivered periodically to the main OXXO Distribution Center located in the city of Monterrey and includes:
* 1 Entry-Level DVR recorder of 4 or 8 analog channels (records up to 3 continuous weeks).
* Between 4 and 8 color dome cameras with WDR technology for lighting contrast compensation.
* 1 Source of Power

- Publicidad -

"In the particular case of this project, OXXO has different integrators depending on the region in which the store is located, and the installation of the equipment is done under the supervision of this company. We, Schneider Electric, take care of carrying out the initial study, and delivering a complete kit, which is shipped to their distribution center, and from there they send it to each of the stores that are being built. It is basically a recorder, between four and eight dynamic range dome cameras and the power source," said Gerardo Minchaca, VP of Buildings at Schneider Electric.

Gerardo also clarified that each of the stores has a restriction throughout the Republic of Mexico that does not allow them to open their doors without having their video surveillance system in operation.

Among the benefits obtained by implementing the video surveillance solution from Pelco by Schneider Electric products are:
*Reduction of losses due to ant theft.
* Decrease in rates of assault on establishments.
* Solid evidence of acts of crime that have led to the capture of criminals.
* Technological online surveillance system operating 24/7/365.
* Remote and real-time access to images detected by video surveillance cameras.
*Interrupted surveillance of warehouses and warehouses.
* Obtaining relevant information on consumer behavior and consumption patterns for the distribution of establishments and location of products.

"The project has the option to verify the recording from the same site, that is, each of the stores, and, at the same time, to follow up from a control center if an event occurs. These images, for an official aspect, are shared with the Ministry of Public Security," Minchaca said.

Today, OXXO administrators not only know that their branches are safer and that it will be easier to identify those responsible for a crime, but they are also able to keep a video record of all the activities carried out in their establishments that has allowed them to monitor the performance of their employees, maintain a higher level of security and, ultimately, offer better attention to the public.

"In short, we have a satisfied customer, since in all the time we have been working, almost six years already, we have not had problems, more if you take into account that we have more than 40 thousand cameras installed with OXXO, so we have arranged a complete accompaniment program in order to give maintenance and support when required", added our guest from Schneider Electric.

- Publicidad -

On the other hand, Sergio Correa, channel manager of Buildings Schneider Electric Mexico, said that "From the implementation of the Pelco by Schneider Electric video surveillance system, OXXO administrators not only know that their branches are safer and that it will be easier to identify those responsible for a crime, but they are also able to keep a video record of all the activities carried out in their establishments themselves. that has allowed them to control the performance of their employees, maintain a higher level of security and, ultimately, offer better attention to the public."

Project Summary
Type of project: Pelco video surveillance system by Schneider Electric

Scope: More than 10,000 Oxxo stores distributed throughout the Mexican Republic.

Equipment installed per establishment: One (1) 4 or 8 channel analog Entry-Level recorder, four (4) color dome cameras with WDR technology for lighting contrast compensation and one (1) power supply.

Benefits for the client: Reduction of losses due to ant theft, decrease in rates of assault on establishments, solid evidence of criminal acts that have led to the capture of criminals, technological system of online surveillance operating 24/7/365, remote and real-time access to images detected by video surveillance cameras, uninterrupted surveillance of warehouses and warehouses, as well as obtaining relevant information on consumer behavior.

Santiago Jaramillo
Author: Santiago Jaramillo
Comunicador social y periodista con más de 15 años de trayectoria en medios digitales e impresos, Santiago Jaramillo fue Editor de la revista "Ventas de Seguridad" entre 2013 y 2019.

13 thoughts on “Video surveillance: present in more than 10 thousand OXXO stores”

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  1. Iliana Yadira Franco Calderón
    Friday, 27 October 2023 19:54
    Buenas tardes mis hijos fueron víctimas de un fraude en el Oxxo de las torres Chimalhuacán y el empleado parece estar como puedo obtener el vídeo de las cámaras de seguridad ya puse mi denuncia
  2. María Duarte
    Monday, 17 April 2023 06:19
    Puedo recuperar video de hace 6 meses?
  3. Valeria Michelle Angel
    Wednesday, 07 December 2022 20:22
    Di cambio de más a una cajera, estoy completamente segura porfavor ayúdenme nesecito revisar cámaras del oxxo
  4. Dulce
    Thursday, 24 November 2022 17:10
    El día 12 de noviembre dejé mi celular en el mostrador en un oxxo en sanicolas, regrese rápido y me dijeron que no vieron nada, les dije que si me podían mostrar las cámaras para ver quien fue y asta la fecha me sacan pretextos, solo quiero descartar que hallan sido los mismos de ahí, y si así fue solo quiero que me lo regresen, pero tengo que comprobar con las cámaras y es día que aún no hacen nada
  5. Qxt
    Thursday, 13 October 2022 18:34
    Que quiere decir vigilancia interrumpida en almacenes y bodegas?
  6. ave fenix
    Sunday, 11 September 2022 09:35
    que seguridad ofrece la cadena de almacens oxxo a sus empleados, aparte de las camaras, en caso de ser asaltados? toda vez que es un solo empleado por almacen y no tiene como reaccionar
  7. Sergio limón besoy
    Tuesday, 06 September 2022 13:26
    El día sábado 03 de septiembre llegue a oxxo cadena comercial cco-860523-1N4 el castillo gdl.
    Edison nte. Número 1235 colonia talleres monterrey. Y me robaron mi cel quisiera ver cámaras para checar ala persona fue en el mostrador.
  8. Julieta
    Sunday, 12 June 2022 00:23
    Se puede recuperar un vídeo de hace 5 meses de una bodega de Oxxo o hasta k tiempo puedo recuperar un vídeo
  9. Ricardo Izcoatl
    Friday, 20 May 2022 22:40
    Buenas noches, ocupo obtener grabacion de un acto delictivo, a quien se dirige la peticion de esa informacion, representante legal de la region verbalmente dijo tenerla, pero al requeirlo nego su existencia. Gcs
  10. Maria Elena quiroz
    Saturday, 26 March 2022 16:24
    Hola buenas tardes hace unos días sacaron dinero de mi tarjeta en un banco y me lo regresaron haciendo un depósito en Oxxo me gustaría que me diera la información como puedo pedir los vídeos de las camaras de vigilancia
  11. Guillermo Domínguez
    Friday, 04 February 2022 17:32
    El día viernes 4 de febrero del año 2022 me robaron mi bicicleta afuera de un Oxxo pero el empleado que se dio cuenta no me dijo asta que me percapte y persegi al ladrón si tener éxito y me gustaría ver la grabación dela cámara de vigilancia para saber quién es el ladrón y re cuperar mi bici y saber quién fue eso fue el el OXXO de lomas del carril Temixco Morelos
  12. Robo por parte de empleado en OXO
    Saturday, 20 November 2021 02:48
    Ayer 19 de Noviembre 2021, realice un depósito a tarjeta bancaria SANTANDER y cargue tiempo aire. Y mi cambio lo deje en el mostrador, mientras daba mi número de celular. Cuando me da el ticket de carga el empleado en una distracción de mi parte. Tomo mi cambio que eran $300 un billete de $200 y uno de $100....cuando salí, me di cuenta que mi dinero lo deje, regresando con el empleado del OXO y me dijo que no había nada, lo cual no es cierto y debe estar captado en la cámara la acción que hizo de tomar mi dinero. Por lo que solicito se verifique la grabación y me devuelva mi dinero. OXO EN LA ESQUINA DE CALZADA DE LOS GALLOS Y AV. DE LIS MAESTROS
    1. Yaire armando
      Thursday, 17 March 2022 12:58
      Trabajo en un Oxxo y lo que debiste hacer es hablar con el encargado y que le haga un arqueo de caja, si en la caja tiene ese sobrante, el dinero es tuyo.
      Muchas veces nos equivocamos y agarramos dinero de más, y al pedir que te hagan un arqueo, y dale con ese sobrante, es obligación del cajero entregártelo, buen día.

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